Thank you Mr watts and Maharishi mahesh yogi

in #god3 years ago (edited)

Alan watts has a saying that he got from a Monk.


He said “you cannot define god by stating what god is You can only understand the meaning of the word by understanding what god is not.” -Alan watts

If you want to understand god try and understand that in order to have so much energy. Infinity. You must first understand. This:

“Infinity is to great to be held in some small range” -Maharishi mahesh yogi

Infinity cannot be measured because it’s too great. The ignorant mind has to limit for us information in a practical way by being cut down into small pieces. And those pieces are always changing. But with smaller pieces it’s easier for us to understand with limited perspective.

As soon as you observe a portion of energy the energy upon observation changes into a different energy.

Therefor if you say god is loving it’s true and due to infinite nature of god loving can change into some other energy instantly. Confusing the observer.

So we say god is not loving
God is not kind
God is not peaceful
God is not hateful
God is not greedy
God is not angry

Now we have a better way of understanding what god is.

Alan watts was quoting

Dianthus theoriopogte
I’m not spelling this correctly am I?

What are your thoughts?
What is god? Who can say they know for sure?

Alan watts is no yogi he’s a theologian.
Which means someone who has studied all known religions.


I invite you to seek god in Al quran. It is best way to find the Creator. However it is only your choice.

At last, i don't know about allan watts.

Alan watts is an English philosopher and studied zen he has a vast range of experience relating to the study of religion. Thank you for asking

You are welcome. May be it is 2017-2018. Then there was a person to whom i can discuss about Creator related matters. Now I found you. Happy to talk with you.

You are welcome dear.

I don't know anything about Alan Watts. But we Muslims can know about God in the Holy Qur'an. If anyone else wants to know, they can know the Qur'an later.

Do you need a user manual to know how to work your body?

Do trees need to know how to grow or thrive from some outside source?

Everything you need you have already.

Thanks for sharing.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! "For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?" Romans 11:33–34;

Basically, God can be known and cannot be known.

Thanks for sharing

Yes, God cannot be encapsulated to any number or extent, no matter if the number is infinity.

Thanks for sharing

I first learned the name allan watts, so I know nothing about allan watts. As a Muslim I know God and am trying to know more.

Don’t try too hard, you might get in your own way. If a parent said you must love your mother and father. This forces you to do something that can only happen naturally. Which can cause resentment.

But I think this message was for someone else. Thank you for sharing. You will find god I’m sure.

A true master is an eternal student.

You have to know Allah/God first. To know him you should find the meaning of his 99 names. As a muslim, i am telling from my point of view.
You can check this.

99 names for something with infinite possibility. God probably won’t find this amusing but I might. God probably won’t find this dreadful but I might.

God Is The Ultimate Truth

The truth is an observed constant. God power everything and nothing

So we say god is not the truth
God is not a lie

Like everything that exists god has two sides... like a coin.

My Perspective About God Is Different.

To know god you must be willing to abandon perspective. After all it’s just your opinion.

If we needed to understand god intellectually we would come out of the womb with a manual.

If you think about how you breathe you might find yourself out of breath and dieing. Literally

Reading this was a total waste of time. Yogi knows nothing about God and neither do you. Read your Bible. Study your Bible. Learn about God from the one true source of spiritual knowledge.

The only spiritual thing you got going on is the fact that I’m still talking to you.


Ohh wait I don’t think I want to talk to you anymore

Maybe you can consult your 2,000 year old book about how to deal with internet trolls..

Oh wait I forgot it doesn’t cover that

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