Hear God's Voice #2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #god6 years ago

Hello everyone, this is the second part of hearing God's voice. This is essential in a Christian life as we need to know God's purpose and direction for our lives. To read the first part, visit here

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Hearing God's voice in prayers

When you want to have a conversation with someone, how do you start? Are you just standing in front of the other person with the hope that he will talk to you? That may work if the other person can easily talk to others, but usually, we start a conversation by opening our mouth and speaking. In this way, we draw the attention of the other person to ourselves. That's the way it is with God! He likes it when we talk to Him. And when we do that, we prepare to hear from Him. A prayer is the same as saying,

"Hello, God, it is I. I believe that You created me and that You know much more about how I should live than I do." "I would like to get to know you better. My life is going on, and I would certainly like to hear from you how you think I should deal with this, would you please speak to me today?"

In an ordinary conversation we say something and then we listen to the answer of our conversation partner. That is also the same when we talk to God! When we have made our hearts ready to listen through prayer, it is more likely that we hear the voice of God. Does He speak to us with an audible voice? Some say yes, but usually that is not the case. Perhaps we do not "hear" the voice of God in our ears, yet He speaks to us in different ways. Here are some ways:

  • God speaks through His Word
  • God speaks through our thoughts
  • God speaks through conversations with others
  • God speaks through circumstances

To hear God's voice through Jesus

The Bible also tells us that Jesus is God in a human body. Therefore, if you want to hear the voice of God, you must study and know the teachings of Jesus. Here is how John describes Him:

"What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen and seen with our own eyes, what our hands have touched, that we proclaim: the Word that is life" (1 John 1: 1).

You must have a personal relationship with Jesus. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with some depth with a stranger? Normally that does not work very well.

Just before He was crucified, Jesus came together with His disciples to reassure them of what would happen after His departure. He promised them a helper:

"Then I will ask the Father to give you another advocate, who will always be with you: the Spirit of truth." The world can not receive him, because she does not see him and does not know him. You know him because he lives in you and will remain in you"(John 14: 16-17).

The Holy Spirit is thus the fulfillment of the way we hear God's voice! See you soon for another wayto hear God's voice.
Thanks for reading and have a great day. See you soon.
God Bless.

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God bless @seyiodus for this foundational basic teaching a christain should know.

God bless you too.

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