Prayer is a form of mental masturbation

in #god6 years ago (edited)


Believing against all rationality in some kind of invisible, all knowing entity is insane. Would you not think someone who told you they believe in an invisible pink unicorn to be crazy? Yet we don't even raise the question of sanity when someone tells you they'll pray for you or will ask god for help in your name. "Oh, the poor victims of such and such natural disaster.. I'll pray for them and their families." Yes, you're a real help! Thank you very much for that empty gesture. Send some money if you really want to help. Get your ass out of the fucking pulpits if you'd like to do some real good in the world. Praying doesn't do shit! It doesn't do SHIT!

The power of prayer.

Prayer does have a benefit. Namely making the one who does the praying feel like they've accomplished something. Even make them feel proud of their non existent "contribution" to humanity. Your prayers are an insult and shouldn't be celebrated. You should feel ashamed if you think prayer is more than mental masturbation. Now, I'm not against prayer as a form of meditation, but at least be honest about it. Praying does nothing but help the one who prays. You can just as easily achieve the self-help effect with meditation.

End of rant


You compare prayer to masturbation and then say:

Your prayers are an insult and shouldn't be celebrated.

Do you think that masturbation is an insult? Are you ashamed of masturbating? I think masturbation should be celebrated.

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