Light and Darkness

in #god3 years ago (edited)

The divine image is twofold. There are the heads of light and darkness, the white ideal and the black ideal, the upper and the lower head. One is the dream of the God-Man, the other is the invention of the God-Man. One represents the God of the wise, the other the idol of the humble.

All light, in truth, implies shadow and possesses its brightness only in opposition to that shadow.


The luminous head sheds upon the dark one a constant dew of splendor. "Let me enter, my beloved," says God to the intelligence, "for my head is full of dew, and among the curls of my hair wander the tears of the night."

This dew is the manna by which the souls of the righteous are nourished. The elect hunger and gather it abundantly in the fields of heaven.


These drops are round pearls, bright as diamonds and transparent as crystal. They are white and shine with all colors, for there is but one simple truth: the splendor of all things.


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