What is the most recurring excuse people give for refusal to acknowledge God; Could they be right?

in #god6 years ago

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I think the most reccuring excuse people give is that the world is in turmoil and if there is a God then he wouldn't let things like that happen. He wouldn't let babies die or let people suffer. While it seems like a valid reason to be an atheist, it's actually quite childish and illogical when you think about it and it represents a basic human attempt to push blame to others instead of acknowledging our own mistakes.

The first and most important rule of christianity is that we all have freewill. We are free to do whatever we want, whenever we want, for as long as we want on Earth. If we choose to worship Him, then its our choice and we will be rewarded in the afterlife. If not then we will also get something for it in the afterlife. But the bottomline is that as far as life is concerned, we are free. Now with this in my mind, I don't see why people blame God for the bad things that happen to people, saying if He was real, He wouldn't let it happen. He's not a puppet master to make us do whatever he wants. The suffering of men today is because humans have decided against working together. We make selfish decisions and then when those decisions eventually cause trouble for someone else, we say God should have done something. In the long run, almost every terrible thing that has happened was to man was because of man. And we say if there was a God he would have intervened. As I said it's a very childish and illogical way of looking at things.

Secondly, people keep on saying that nature, the world and the universe are all science. That everything can be explained scientifically and as such, God does not exist. I think this is just a case of wrong expectations. People expect God to make things appear from nowhere. They expect Him to be this deity that does anything, anytime, anywhere. God made the universe, as such, he made nature and all her rules. So if he did, then I guess that he works within those rules. Everything can be explained by science because when he made everything, he set rules to guide them and limit them. We all know how things can be without rules and as such, know their importance. So in light of this, I believe that people are wrong in their lack of belief in God

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