in #god6 years ago (edited)

The concept of “God” has been monopolized for too long. There is no Universal, all-encompassing explanation; no perfect religion; no one single Truth. Truth cannot be confined to a single book, for the entire truth has not been written yet.

Do we rule out Truths which have yet to be found. Of course not. Do we ignore facts which haven’t been discerned yet? No. That would be the definition of closed mindedness.

This is why I insist that we question the shepherds. The ones who tell us how long our leash is so we don’t have to find out for ourselves.

I think of the Tower of Babel as the original unified vision. The archetypal perfectly ordered state, in which all men spoke one language and were united by a single vision. Theirs was the quest to reach the Heavens. They went UP until the creator scattered them. Why? Because the creator wanted diversity, uniqueness, and randomness. This was made necessary by the scattering of tongues.

So it seems to me that the creator could quite possibly be us, as it experiences life vicariously through billions of created beings; that we are the creator and the created, and that creation is an ongoing collaborative process.

Now, if this is a co-creation and therefore collaborative, then who gets to decide how things turn out? Who makes those choices? We do. And not making choices is a choice in itself. Ignorance and evil win by default. All it takes for evil and ignorance to win is for those who Know to say and do nothing.

It’s a competition of visions. Sometimes friendly, but most of the time unfriendly, competition. The winner is the side that creates the more compelling vision. The future we manifest will be the result of these competing interests. One side knows that fear and death are quite compelling; the other side knows that art, love, and beauty are just as compelling yet require no compulsion.

Volition is the key here. Will the reality we inhabit respect free will? Or sacrifice it? The answer lies in how we view ourselves. Are we more Creator than Created?

I believe I have found the Edge of the World. It’s the place where the Creator ends and the perceiver begins. On this side, we are the Created. Like pieces in a puzzle, ready to be fit into the bigger picture. On the other side, over the Edge, we are the Creator, and the big picture is a work in progress…. ( ******* http://infiniteplanesociety.com ******* )

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