Muhammad the false prophet and the price on my head , why I came to steam it in the first place @yzart

in #god7 years ago

Back in the early 90s irie net my good friend and hero Victor as his name might imply . He told me that he had returned from Saudi Arabia and there they didn't allow you to possess the Holy Bible, with the punishment of beheading if you were caught in possession of the Bible or teaching in the Name of Christ. Though our meeting was brief he could have never imagined the lasting impact that his words would have on my life.
In 1974 when I converted to Christianity it was he Victor who listened intently to my words of my conversion, he knew very well what a thief or drug addict in a loser that I had been before meeting Yeshua the living Christ. He was the first person to become a Christian upon my testimony.
( Victor Victor Tango Alpha) clear clear clearBlue Sky big had one had one head..

" search the scriptures for in them you think that you have life but these are they that testify of me"
for the third time I say clearly purely with fury in and ignition Muhammad is the false prophet of the Book ofLife.
in the Holy Spirit I say to all believers of the false profit call followers of Lysol the deceiver is of the world you must convert to follow yes (Yeshua)shoe of the living Christ. Total Destruction is unlimited!
I have much yet to write on to you but time is limited, search my cryptic words again, " whosoever has ears to hear Let Them hear what the spirit says" I will shake the heavens and the Earth" there is no hiding place except in Yeshua the living Christ. My Zeal and anger are perfected, torment since Sorrows anguish I have , my green laser eyes are 999.999 directed.
Coronal mass is my throne , consuming eyes of the unbelievers, searching the secrets of all,
Fear not, all my children I am with you

" who is on the Lord's Side?"

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