Submission to God isn't easy, it's a battle to submit.

in #god7 years ago (edited)

In a space where someone suffers, I suffer too. If they moan in agony or remain silent, suffering spreads by mere observation. Unfortunately we sometimes interpret people as suffering, but they aren't, so we inflict inner suffering unnecessarily from misinterpretation. As long as one person suffers from their own pain or absorbing another, to varying degrees we all suffer. Let's high five, because suffering is useful. Let's shake hands, because we agree the point is to improve pain, not abolish it. To overcome pain, supersede it, transmute it, assuage it, ameliorate it. An extraordinary life is to be lived from the ordinary. In fact, that's exactly how it's designed. The most unreachable dreams are designed to be the most simple. Because with time we grow to easily reach them, in fact we grow so we eventually reach down for them. What we imagine, we create. Remember then to seek the power within you, pursue your greatest desires. No matter how unlikely, in fact, make it more unlikely. No matter how beaten down, in fact, let yourself bare even more pain. Bring it on. She said "I'm too old. I'm not skilled enough. My life is designed to lose" I said Hun, life is designed to be won simply by playing. Too many of us forfeit our dreams for fear that they won't come true. We fail when we stop attempting. But actually we never fail, it's impossible not to try because your still breathing. It's OK to be beaten down by this difficult Earth. Listen, if we truly are eternal, for real, if we will never cease to exist, then no amount of sorrow can hurt us. Sorrow is only a misinterpretation of eternity. Dust off those wings, keep on flapping.

The higher we soar, the more inspire those who can't fly to keep on trying. The harder we play, the more we influence those who sit on the sidelines to get up and play with us. Crime is acquiescence, when we obey laws we know we don't agree with. Crime is when we lock humans in cages for no good ethical reason. Not one crime exist coming from what other people demand we do. That's called #slavery, or tyrannical #government, or #monarchy, or abusive #parenting. If I don't submit to God then who do I submit to? A president? A mayor? A parent? I respect all humanity but I can't submit to any human, that would be disbelief in God. God is my supreme master. The master who I gladly enslave myself. The master who I willingly cage myself. The Creator who made everything. God is my alignment. If God is happy with my performance, who can judge this? No human can. The question is how much do I respect my own performance? Did I make myself legendary to myself? She said, "People are toxic. They drain my energies." I said Babe, it's poisonous ideas, not them. We slay toxic ideas merely by recognizing them. We decimate stupidity simply by exposing it. Humans are animals of the highest order of peace. Humans are holy, royal, sacred, because of our capacity.

He said, "Humans are wretched over-sized rodents. These aren't my brothers, they're totally loathsome." I said Bro, all people are yours. When you perceive others as loathsome, it reflects how you see yourself. Good then, go on hating yourself more and more until a polarity shift happens. Hate yourself so much that you love how much you hate yourself. Then see yourself as a child again. Then see yourself growing up to be a father to every child. All people are brothers, even non-people, non-species. First I'm your brother. Second your friend. Third your teacher. It' cool Bro, reject what I'm saying, my teachings, my friendship, reject this entire Earth tribe. The true body of humanity cannot be rejected, it’s completely untouchable, totally indestructible. The true body of humanity is with you, even if you're angry and against it. This is the true body attached to God, no intelligence can detach this. Try to outweigh it, beware, it will throughly crush you. Try to rewrite it, watch out, it will shred you to utter pieces. God contains you. God rewards us with eternity. To align with God is to be invincible, under any circumstance, any situation. Submission to God isn't easy, it's a battle to submit. We have to fight to submit. Unless of course your perfectly content to submit to something other than God, good luck with that.

Jimmy James
Of the Growling Griffin tribe
Greenday, Uranus 24, Year 1