What being created in the image of God means to me.

in #god3 years ago


We're created in the image of God. We control nature. We are above nature. We are SUPER natural. We have intellect, will, imagination, creative abilities. We can plan the future. Some of us are artists, authors, builders, architects, engineers, chemists and so forth.

We take great pleasure and joy from creating. Especially if it's for another of our kind. I've noticed in my profession that the greatest suffocation of the pleasure I get from work is being rushed by the end user and the sacrifice of quality and investment they make to hurry it up. I now work for my wife and my own pleasure. I take my time. I stop and think about it. I take pictures. I am as happy as I've ever been in my life doing what I wanted to do. I am doing it the way God created this beautiful environment for us. Carefully, with wisdom and knowledge and great love. And he took a loooong time to do it. In our time. For him it was a series of manifestations of his tremendous MIND in a dimension we can't even comprehend.

He set the stars and planets and our sun in revolutionary motion and cleared the atmosphere when he brought SPIRITUAL life to ADAM (mankind) just so we would have seasons and a means of tracking the dimension of time he included in his creative work. He also set energy into motion and created space to accept it as it expanded. Time slowed down as the universe expanded. Wrap you're head around that.

Then when it was necessary to prepare mankind for his appearance among us he inspired a great prophet of the people through whom he would appear, a lowly band of rebellious slaves, to document his creative work. Two chapters. He even inspired the phonetic alphabet at the same time so Moses would have a language in which the WORD could be properly expressed for future generations. From thence his revelation telescoped relative to time. More and more data and history and principles and information were provided, and fewer generations of his people were documented, as his appearance drew nigh. Just like the way he documented creation. A couple verses to cover the first 9 billion years of the universe, a few more to cover creation of the solar system and earth and the environmental miracles necessary to prepare it for life and in what order and finally an entire chapter on the creation of man.

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