2017 Goals (Not Resolutions) Update #1

in #goals8 years ago (edited)

Well since my first post I have worked in some form or another on my Goals.


I haven't skipped a day at the gym this week.  Today was a benchmark workout that completely frustrated me.  

150 Wall Balls @ 20# 


90 Double Unders

30 Muscle Ups

12:00 Time Cap

I only finished 88 Wall Balls...so defeated.  I probably did somewhere around 100 reps but the ones that didn't go high enough did not count.  I was so mad because I was expecting more of myself.  Today was tough in that it was hard to even get out of bed my legs felt like concrete and BTW I don't like wall balls much less the idea of 150 of them.  After pouting a little I realized this is the result of forming poor form and habits during my regular workouts.  Going forward I will do more than finish the workouts I will do it correctly EVERY time.   

Talking Turkey:

Worked only once on this and I suppose I have set it aside more than my other options because I am soooooo bad at this.  I have found though that I am ok at the kee kee and the cluck but the yelp is not even close.  I have three calls and each of them is good for a certain sounds but I would like to find one call that does it all so I might have to get on Amazon if the sound doesn't improve because right now I am not fooling anyone.


Parla l'Italiano:

Moved onto unit 6 and worked through it twice.  I was going for unit 7 but I was too lazy to find my usb stick that is somewhere in the rolling junk drawer I call a car.  

Since there are only 8 lessons I am going to order the next kit from the Library today :)




ok - so i have to tell you... LOL
We have wild turkeys where we live. and the male always calls out and the females all follow him around like a little harem.
My husband (being the hilarious man that he is) decided to say good morning to the turkeys everyday hahahaha.

he started to imitate their call and is so on point.... that the females will turn to him and the male gets all puffed out and dominant!!! i have no idea what he's saying to them - but it's pretty funny.

So one day - he decides to make a friend. a turkey friend.

I have no idea what happened - but this turkey started not only following him around (he would run beside him on the golf card) but started to get really friendly with all our neighbors. LOLOLOL

It got so bad - that some of the neighbors got a little spooked. and one said that Kevin (yes - my daughter named him) got aggressive and tried to peck him!

so.... Kevin is no more.

Sad day.

Super proud of you for sticking with your Italian. I started learning Russian 4 years ago... but life.. you know - lessons come and go. But your persistance is getting me motivated to get back on track :)

Did you eat Kevin? What part of the country do you live in? I'll follow in hopes of seeing a man followed by a Turkey or see an update in Russian.

НЕТ !!!! Я не ела своих друзей - особенно не Кевин! ))))))
Никогда!!!!!! )))))))))

(by the way - Americans write lololol for a lot of laughter... Russians write )))))))) for a lot of laughter. hahaha! it's like the smiley portion of a smiley face - just repeated. Extreme sadness would be ((((((

see ? your first Russian lesson ;) easy!

and I'm on the West Coast ;)

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