What Are You Gonna Do Tomorow Or Today To Create A Genuine Difference To Your Journey? Pick One Thing!!!

in #goals6 years ago (edited)

I am constantly trying to define my blockchain journey and make plans and hold myself accountable...But I Gotta Tell Ya People...It's not easy. :tired_face:

We all have busy lives right? It's oh-so-easy to take your eye off the ball. Even when we are here there are so many people, communities and Discord servers to keep up with, some days it feels like your head spins with just where to start...


So after a lot of thought I have formulated a loose, low-pressure plan that should at-least keep me partially on track...It is simple, effective and infinitely do-able.

After the ever-neccesary replies to comments and leaving some cool comments I will focus on doing just one thing that moves me closer to my larger, more long-term blockchain goals.

I know what you are thinking...Just one thing per day, ain't gonna make a lot of difference is it?


Here's my take on it...There are many days when I am at my trusty PC for hours and I drift aimlessly. This way at-least I inch closer every single day without fail...Even if I only achieve that one thing, that's 7 things a week, 30 things per month...This stuff compounds, right? :grin:

Of-course my goal is to achieve more than this, but if I faithfully resolve to do this each and every single day I should get that boost that consistency gives us, right? There will of-course be many days when I move forward with a second or third thing and that's great but these things are extra. I can never allow myself to fall into the habit of thinking that because I did three goal driven activities yesterday, I am off the hook for two days. I must always hit that most basic of objectives.

I hope that in a month or so I can push myself a little further and aim for two activities every single day this way I will be mastering the all important skill of activity, constant accountability and destroying the dreaded Procrasti-Dragon that beast really is the extinguisher of dreams.


Who is to say I don't master three objectives every single day within a few short months or even weeks? This would be an amazing level to reach for me, how about you?

After all success books always tell us it takes three weeks to form a habit! can you believe that? Three short weeks to adopt a daily practice that can launch you on the stratospheric path to constant self-improvement and potential success.

Could you adopt this practice to improve your life? Is there something that you know you should do every single day but you don't? Should you be taking a short walk each day, doing a few crunches or lunges or simply moving your blockchain journey forward too...Why not resolve to do this from this day forward? :sunglasses:

Doing just one thing per day may sound weak and pathetic to many, but I think it is the very cornerstone and the greatest fundamental step in making your life meaningful and satisfying and absolutely essential when pursuing success of any kind...So are you with me?

I sincerely hope you are, I hope that something occurred to you as you read these words...I would get such a kick out of knowing that this inspired you to take charge of something that you have been meaning to for a while.

I wish you all the luck in the world, may your journey move you forward to bigger and better things as 2018 draws to a close and 2019 ushers in a whole new realm of possibility!


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