Did 2019 Arrive And Leave You A Little Deflated? You're Not Alone IT DOES NOT MATTER! You Already Know Why, Right?

in #goals6 years ago

We've all been there, right?

Maybe It's in the opening throes of a brand new year or maybe just a goal we promised our-self we would really go for. I mean a time when we committed to absolutely do what it took and follow through. We meant it at the time, yeah? We absolutely believed every word we said? But somehow...

Anti-climax, disappointment, apathy and abject, soul crushing defeat!

It can be all the more disheartening when this happens in the first week of a year that we have built up so, so much in our head. If you are anything like me with regard to the shiny new year scenario I have been building this up in my mind for weeks.

Let me give you a taste of my experience and the reasons for not starting in the way I had intended to. It was supposed to resemble a rocket to the moon but was actually akin to a rock sinking to the bottom of a swimming pool.

I was working nightshift New years eve and New years day so I always knew my year was gonna have an ever so slightly staggered start, but this quelled my enthusiasm not one jot. I was up for it, raring to go and filled with the kind of enthusiasm that only a brand new year can bring. I was sooo not messing...


Then came the ear infection, the new year was destined to be just like the closing stages of the old one. I have been plagued with illness for quite a while. Within 24 hours, my arch nemesis, an on and off gum abscess that had a particularly vicious vendetta against one of my teeth was causing trauma again and it was really going for it's goals in 2019 in a way that made my attempts look puny. Fast forward the story to the emergency dentist out of hours service on Saturday and a sadistic man with a set of Victorian looking pliers that would have looked completely at home at the Salem witch trials or the Spanish inquisition and the excitement sapping first week was just about complete.

I write this now, still with quite a nasty toothache despite the fact the tooth is no more ((ain't I a soldier?)) So where am I heading with this oh-so-like-me long and drawn out introduction. Well it's actually quite simple...Although I am incredibly disappointed in the progress or lack thereof in the first week of January my resolve is as strong as ever. Oh yes I feel like I'm behind before I start, yes I had set some targets that I really need to catch-up on, No I am not where I was supposed to be, but in the big scheme of things, does it really matter?


Of course it doesn't! I only bring this up just in-case you have had a similarly underwhelming beginning to 2019. I know a lot of people in my circle for whom a bad start means quit...That's crazy, right? I mean how are we ever gonna build strong don't-quit muscles ((please don't look up that muscle in a biology textbook...You will be sorely disappointed!)) We learn more about ourselves when we have problems and obstacles in life and we get through them and carry on than when we have a great run of unchallenged successes.

In many ways it is the very best route to success. A person for whom the dice always seems to land on a 6 learns nothing...Nada...Zip. When the lucky-streak comes to an end, they have developed no skills, tools or strategies to overcome adversity. Conversely a person who has adapted, evolved and grown resilient through overcoming the unforeseen has grown into a capable, rugged, competent problem solver.

How does a boxer train for a big fight? He has a guy brought in specially to rain down blows upon him, he actively seeks out the obstacle and uses it to adapt and learn how to duck, weave and attack the particular problem placed in front of him. Could you use this strategy, seek out the problem and learn to overcome it before it is real. Yup! You could indeed.

When you envisage your route to success, instead of seeing yourself running in slow motion towards the finish line with inspirational music as a supporting soundtrack, actually try and imagine the perceived failures that may befall you. Do this with a logical mind, apply clarity and do not allow fear or pessimism in to your vision. Now simply take a mental step back and consider all the ways you could overcome this unexpected problem. It's like a dry run of what you could do if the worst case scenario were to happen.

Now in the real world, when a problem comes along in whatever grand pursuit you put your mind to, do not imagine for one second that you are gonna grin and cry out.

"Hello vile obstacle, I have been expecting you...You cannot derail my plans I have prepared for you". And proceed to Kung Fu punch it into oblivion. Life is just not like that, is it?


But allow yourself to take a mental step back and problem solve your way to a solution. You have prepared for this, you have a mental frame of reference for exactly this scenario. Now doesn't that seem like a more empowering solution to the doubtless challenges that will arise from time to time than simply quitting?

You bet your bottom bitcoin it does?

If you are a little behind with exactly where you thought you were gonna be by this time in January, fear not Dear reader. There is plenty more time for reaching for the sky, getting back on track or even starting to make some of the changes you desire. Even if you do fall off the goal wagon, don't berate yourself, focus on the change you are aiming for, revisit the reasons you want it and remember what it will do for you and start again. The fact is you are not really starting over but simply re-picking up what you began.

Don't pile undue pressure on yourself by deciding to learn Japanese and become a globally famous blogger by Friday...The goals are both equally legitimate if that is what you so desire but do you think you can learn all the skills necessary and develop in the way you must to achieve both goals in such a minute space of time? Nope...me neither.


I would like to finish this post with two quotes that seem pertinent to the matter in hand.

Jim Rohn world renowned business philosopher who always stated that the best chance for success lies in starting with the basics and consistently applying them over time until you build strong, effective habits said;

“Life expects us to make a reasonable amount of progress in a reasonable amount of time. That's why they make those second grade chairs so small.”

That has always been a favourite quote of mine because it does not speak of herculean effort or moving mountains but simply making a legitimate amount of progress towards your goal in a reasonable time-frame. Rational and highly achievable, right?

The second quote that has been playing on an endless loop in my head whilst I wrote this post is one that crystallises everything you could ever need to know or do when it comes to setting strong non negotiable plans and goals for yourself. It describes the simple thing that separates average people who dream and wish and equally average people who aspire to more and intend to follow through.

The quote is from Darren Hardy the editor of success magazine.

"Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the spirit in which you said it has left you"

I have always found that single sentence to be both simple, yet profound and instantly understandable. It means that if you said you were gonna go for a run after lunch to benefit your health, you had damn well better go for that run. In case you are wondering, yes that means even if it is raining or if you feel a little tired.

Let me confess...I wrote this post to benefit both of us. in fact, all of us, because even if you are thinking that you have had a great start to 2019 and you are bang on track, do you ever remember a time when a little more motivation was a bad thing?

The very best of luck to you for an absolutely magnificent year. I am wholeheartedly on board with your goals as well as my own. If you ever need a little help with perspective do not hesitate to drop me a line. I would be delighted to help in any way I can. If you need to use my comments section to list one or two ((or all)) of your goals just so that you have gotten them out there into the real world then feel free to solidify your commitment and resolve and put them out there!

To the journey being one that we undertake alongside friends, because together we are just better.



Great way to kick off the year (not the toothache, but the outlook). I like both of the quotes, and it reminds me of something my grandma used to say (a bit vulgar, blame it on Scottish roots I guess): "You can wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up faster."

She used it more as a way to shut down the kind of whiny wish where you are just wishing reality to be different from what it is - like I wish toothaches didn't exist, or I wish I didn't have to go to work. I use it for those times when the fire has gone out under that thing I said I would work toward, and I'm tempted to escape into wishing or just scrapping my plans altogether.

The point is, it's whatever we actually do (or doo doo?) that brings a result, whether we wish it or not.

Posted using Partiko Android

Teehee You said doo doo!

Grandma wisdom is the absolute best right? She sounds like a spirited lady.

Yes I agree entirely! Don't get me wrong, It is easy for any of us to fall in to the wishing mentality, but realising that it is about as effective as aiming a water pistol at a tornado in an attempt to scare it away is key. I think when we catch our mind wandering in a wish-thought kinda way, we can turn that into something valuable by thinking and planning on how we could actually obtain or achieve the object of our desire.

Too many people seem to act entitled, thankfully the sane amongst us know that work, planning and following through is the thing that can and often does tip the scales in our balance. The funny thing is although we often wish things and qualities we would like to adopt came a little easier, would we appreciate them quite so much if they did?

There's an intrinsic value in looking at something you have earned or feeling a certain way and thinking...

"I worked to achieve that!"

I absolutely adore wonderful comments, like so many others I arrived here looking for something entirely different to the actual reason I stay. Thankyou so very much for taking the time to stopby and share your thoughts, they are more than appreciated.

Me and mine wish you and yours all that you would hope for in 2019. May you be ever surrounded by health, wealth and happiness. 😀

((I also wish you more sugar cookies...They look amazing, I shall be sure to look out for posts from the awesome lil dude @zacktime ))

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