To constantly grow we need constant challange (mini edition Nr 1build a network)

in #goals7 years ago

Actually, I wanted to plan my goals for this week and was thinking about steemit.

Should I set goals?
If so how should they look like?

I try to set my goals after the S.M.A.R.T method usually.


Poker taught me to add that my goals should be in my control zone also.

If you are familiar with poker you know not to set money goals for example. You can be on top of your game and still lose for weeks or even months. So you set time goals. How much you want to play. How much time, when and on what part of your game you want to focus on this week.

I think this also applies if you want to set yourself goals for your steemit "career".

You cant control, except your own vote and boosters, how much your post will make. You cant control how many followers you will get.

But you can control the quality and the number of your posts and comments. You can control how much you engage with comments and the whole community.

I think most of us steemians are sharing the same goals.

Express ourselves
Getting an audience which appreciates what we have to say
Getting new input from others and their content
Earn some (or a lot) of Steem
Be part of a community
Become a better writer

To be honest I am still unsure what my main motivation is to put, way more time as I have planned into here and it also changes from day to day.

There are plenty of good guides already written how to create a following, make better posts and use bots to earn more and the same advice is mentioned over and over again.

Get engaged, provide value in your posts and comments and for fuck sakes stop spamming and begging

In my eyes this comes down to create genuine connections. Create friendships.

Chances are Steemit didnt wait for you but it can be your for the taking if you are willing to put in time and effort. But you have to take the first steps.

So how do I want to create my goals now?

Connections/friendships are not really measurable nor in my control zone but the effort to create them is.

And here I want to educate myself more. I have started to read the book "Never eat alone" by Keith Ferrazzi but never finished it.
This will be step Nr 1 : to finish the book from cover to cover and make notes.

Step Nr 2 will be to create a summary here with action steps I, and if you like, you also can follow.

I think to build, handle and "manage" a network is a really valuable skill to have.
It also aligns with my morning routine goal, as I want to read a bit in the morning.



Full 100% and resteemed :-)

as always a very grateful flipstar is writing this comment :-)

lol @ "...provide value in your posts and comments and for fuck sakes...". Great post, too. This continues to inspire me :) Btw, I recently dived into some seriously freezing cold water last week. I thought about you and your developments! Congrats!

Did you like it?

thanks a lot :-)

Ya man I LOVE diving into freezing cold water. It's like there is so much cold over the whole body that you cannot focus on a single you can only enjoy the sensation instead of focusing on a single point. Love it.

You should try the wim hof breathing it is a bit similar.

I do! :)

Its weird I don't tend to set many goals in a way. I would say I have many of the same goals as you but over time for me personally It is mostly tuning how I go about getting to my goals. I tend to be the "work hard" type but I find that only gets you so far without working "smart" and adjusting to the environment you are in.

My general philosophy is to keep forward momentum and put myself in position for as many positive outcomes as possible. I view much of it as a numbers game in positive outcomes. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do here on steemit but I have adjusted as I went along because of new things I have learned while here.

Whats interesting for me is I'm not too much the "network" type so that takes some adjustment to be successful in a platform such as this since its pretty much based around it lol. I am actually surprised with the momentum I have had so far here but I have a realistic outlook on most things. I find its wise to not have exaggerated expectations.

Good luck Steeming and looking forward to other posts of yours.

For me, building and especially keeping and protecting my momentum seems to be more important for me, too.

But writing down and defining my goals is already giving me some momentum, so I like to do a short weekly review.

Yes, I think not having exaggerated expectations is very important as you can get discouraged quite easily if you do.

I also feel I am not good at networking as I thought it is "shady" for a long time but I kind of changed my perspective as in a healthy network you give as much or even more than you recieve.

Your comment is a great example for what I meant being engaged and and bringing value to a post. Thank you.

Looking forward to your posts of you also

I remember that SMART goals haha!

It's nice you are making good enough here now.

I'm kind of 50/50 now about steemit. I used to be 100%. Though I still enjoy interacting with my followers, and definitely writing!

Let's wait and see.

I think that is the most important part to enjoy this whole thing.

Treating it as a hobby which maybe can become something more is fine also I think.

As long as you stay, all is good :-)

resteemed*** ist es schon mal.....der Vote kommt noch......:-)

ich bedanke mich vielmals :-)


Oh, I read your post and remembered that I must finish the book too. Haha. Thank you for reminding :) Up!

you are welcome :-)

wow ..... resteemed


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