I have made a new accomplishment!!!

in #goals5 years ago

It has been a long time going to the gym over the past 10 months and I have happy with a lot of the results I have been seeing one of them happening tonight.

I was about to deadlift 315 pounds. It feels incredible to continue to make progress in the gym where after a while I felt like I should have given up after a certain point. I feel healthier everyday the more I push myself and I feel myself not fitting into clothes which is a good thing to me as well. But not a good thing for my wallet.

But its a good thing to feel better about one self. I have had self esteem issues for a long time while I stopped going to the gym and let my self care lapse for as long as it has. Ever sense meeting my now wife life defiantly has changed for the better for me and I am so happy that things are going the way they are now.

Life can surprise you in many ways and the way mine has change defiantly has surprised me in the best way.

Had a wonderful night everyone.

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