Week 41: Accountability Report

in #goals6 years ago

This Week’s Accountability Report


It’s Thursday again, already.

Lately, the weeks seem to be flying by. I lay my head down Thursday night, wake up once to find that it’s Monday afternoon, fall back to sleep, then wake to the sound of my alarm and its Thursday morning again. How does that happen?

I don’t know, but I think something about this time of year, in particular, when the days get shorter and colder, makes the days and the weeks go by faster. When I get up at 5:00 now, it’s still night time. The stars are still high in the sky and there is absolutely no sign of the dawn.

I’m sure I just need to adjust, just need to adapt to the New morning scenery, lately though, getting up at 5:00 and keeping to my routine has been a bit of a challenge. I am managing, but not with the ease that I was even a month ago. This makes me feel a little bit like I’m sliding backward. Like I said, though, I’m sure it’s just a slight period of adjustment.

This past week I once again went a bit heavy on the running. That has been my go to exercise as of late. I also, out of necessity, returned to the 9 minute NY Times workout that I began all of this with 10 months ago and was happy to see that it was both much easier to do after all of these months of exercise, and still challenging.

Recently, I stumbled upon some interviews with the trainer Steve Maxwell and have found myself curious to know more about over-training and about the various ways of breathing. One book that he recommends is The Oxygen Advantage which appears to suggest that not only are the majority of us not breathing right, but that we may be over breathing. This is something that I definitely want to read before the year is through.

Other than that, I don’t know ... I’m just going to keep on doing what I’m doing.


Seven out of Seven days: That said, two days were very light and probably didn’t quite meet the fifteen minute goal that I have been striving for.


76.7 kg: I’m very happy to see that my weight has remained under 77 kg for the past six days straight, and that it even dropped down to 75.9 kg one morning.


Wow,your strong determination to maintain weight seems works very goodly.Good job dear friend.

Thanks. I’m having good results these days.

I swear when it is so dark and cold (like here in Michigan) I feel the greatest urge to just hibernate!

Upstate NY, where I grew up, was very similar. Once the Day Light Savings starts, it was pretty much game over. I think living in places with cold dark winters makes it really difficult to live a consistent year round lifestyle.

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