Goals... A post of intention

in #goals7 years ago

I am just beginning my fourth week on Steemit. Its been a whirlwind of change and opportunity.

KIMG1861.JPGMy support staff.

I want to take a moment to organize my thoughts on random goals here.

Goal #1... Stop using "the first..."

I am allowing myself until I begin month two to use this phrase...then I am cutting off the newbie factor.

Goal #2... Be the Real Me

As you become more familiar with my work you will see that I am on a great personal quest ...to live as my authentic self...


I am working hard to not compromise this for anything, anyone, or any amount of acceptance from the greater world.

Goal #3... Build Community

I am by nature facilitator. Getting folks to show up comes easily to me. I intend to reinvest here as much as possible. Community participation has been my greatest resource in every era of my life. I aim to continue this here with Steem, heartfelt comments, and building a supportive community as a driving force behind what I do.

Goal #4... If $ Happens...

My wish list...

~Wifi, maybe even phone service

~Computer...these eyes are aging and my arms aren't getting any longer...hahaha, maybe its glasses I need next ;)

Invest in solar solutions. The homestead is off the grid! We do run a noisy, smelly, hungry generator for the few items requiring power in our lives. Investing in solar and batteries will open doors for the rest of my infrastructure plans...like indoor plumbing...again these bones are getting older and gravity isn't easing up its earthly pull.

That's all for now...just a bit of personal accounting being set up here.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!


Building a sense of community is great and also one of my goals on Steemit now - I don't think I knew what to expect when I started but I like what I have seen so far - people are very supportive :) I would also love to go solar - alas it may take some time.

I have been pleasantly surprised with the great interactions here.

May you reach these goals you havr mentioned and more.

Intentions becomes reality, you have spoken to the universe, expect a fruitful return.

Precisely. One of the wonders of this life. Be well.

That is great! Sometimes just putting it out there helps us push harder.

And keeps a wandering mind in line!

I have found that if I put my goals in a list, have them written down, and keep seeing them every day, it helps me/us to succeed and accomplish the goals.

Wishing all the luck and blessings with your journey!

Thank you, that really means a lot! I need to write things down to even have a half a chance of remembering. I'm a lot like a hunting pup...oh squirrel!...and off my attention goes!
Setting goals is something I am working on.... More precisely successfully managing a group of goals... There will be posts about this soon! Enjoy the weekend!

Above all the goals though

Rule #1 is to Have fun!

Sorry this is too old to upvote..

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