You don’t have the money? – but why?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #goals6 years ago

156. No Money.jpg

One of the reasons I hear often from people, most of the time who are not yet Team Members or clients, is that “they don’t have any money.” Or “enough” money to invest in a course or their education.

This is the proverbial “Catch 22” – How do you make money when you don’t have the money to invest in how to learn to make money?

Having been in the position of having less than no money, being down and out and at one point, not knowing if I should pay my rent or buy food, I understand.

What did I do?

I got a menial job, two actually. One was at a 7-Eleven and the other at the hospital doing dishes and working in the kitchen.

Neither was a career thing, they were meant to keep a roof over my head and put food on the table until I could get back on track.

With unemployment at record low levels in the US and Canada right now, finding work shouldn’t be difficult if you are serious.

If I were in a financial tight spot, it’s time to do something about it. Find a way to make as much money as you can and put some of it aside to invest in YOURSELF, to educate yourself to move from menial work to career, life-changing work.

Me, I’d be building my knowledge to be able to create a knowledge base, that no matter what the future holds, I’d be able to work online from anywhere. No boss. No constraints. Just have my future in my hands all up to me.

I don’t know if this makes sense to you?

I hope so.

You see this is completely doable – IF YOU CHOOSE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!

You don’t need to know everything about marketing or the internet or be a “techy” to get started. I sure wasn’t!

One of the programs I offer is a 100% proven method of creating a six-figure income online.

It’s a fifteen video course!

Your investment? TINY and affordable for most people.

Check it out HERE>

Look, I get it if times are tough – However, if you do nothing about it, they’re going to remain tough.

I’m not saying this to be callas or uncaring – as I said, I’ve been there!

That’s why I know so clearly that YOU CAN change your future starting today.

The change can start with a simple CLICK OF YOUR MOUSE HERE.

I want you to succeed to the highest possible heights.

I’m here to help, but you also need to take the first step.


very good blog.

your all blog is very great.

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