Gogland the latest Go language development platform from JetBrains

in #go7 years ago

The Go language developed by Google is getting some traction in the Crypto Community with Charlie Lees announcement that Litecoin is getting Lightning Network make over to facilitate lightning fast micro payment exchanges with Bitcoin.

The Lightning Network or LN is written entirely in Go from scratch with SegWit functionality.

If you are deciding on what language to learn for the next round of crypto innovation, Go is well worth the look for its terse style and easy readability.

Jetbrains has launched a new beta platform for creating Go applications and I'm just loving it.

The novice can jump right in and start writing code and worry about the Github file structure later.

Here's the code that serves up a web application in nine lines of code.

package main
import (

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:])

func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

After build and running it just point your browser to your local host at this URL


and a web page pops up "Hi there I love monkeys"

The Golang SDK can be downloaded here:


You can download Gogland from Jetbrains here:


The alpha release notes for lightning network daemon chanting the glories of Go is here


Go Gopher Image Courtesy http://devstickers.com/info/golang-hyc7

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