Japan Suspends Sale of Canadian Wheat

in #gmo6 years ago

Source: rt.com

The Japanese Agriculture Ministry has suspended a sale of Canadian wheat due to suspicions that the wheat may have been tainted by GMO traits.

An official from the ministry said "We are suspending the tender and sale of Canadian wheat until we confirm that the Canadian wheat that Japan buys contains no GMO".

Last summer, wheat grown in the Alberta province was found to contain a genetically modified trait developed by Monsanto. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency said that after it was discovered, the plot was sprayed with herbicides and the crop was eradicated. The crop was not approved for commercial use or sale. The plot will be monitored by the CFIA to assure that the GMO crop does not return.

Source: twitter.com

As expected, Monsanto spokespeson, Trish Jordan issued a statement "There are no foods, feed or environmental safety concerns associated with the presence of the glyphosate tolerance, if it is found to be present in wheat". If this were true, why have almost all countries in Europe and Asia denounced the use of GMO crops. The US is still wavering on its use but more states are starting to recognize its dangers. Also I read an article awhile back that said that employees of Monsanto would not eat GMO foods. I wonder if their spokesperson eats it.

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