Let's talk about... CLIMATE CHANGE

Climate change, two simple words with massive implications for the future of the #human race.

As we heard the word #climatechange in the last months and years hundreds of thousand of times some of us started to get annoyed by these realiatic climate forecasts and so we change the TV or radio channel or simply change our news feed of our favourite social media account or as Mr. #Trump does: deny anything, get out from the Paris Agreement and refuse to care about scientifically proved data.

But the #threat remains and so we (humanity) can decide to let things be as they are right now or try to change things, step by step.

This begins by changing our personal habits, as for example taking distance from mass consumption, thinking about what you buy (origin, amoung of water, fuel, energy used) and from whom you buy it. The support of small local companies and organisations represents an important step, as it means less #air #pollution as the route of transport is only from the farmer or factory to the #local market/shop and as an important benefit you even know who sold it and where/how these products get produced. Even if you have to pay some cents more, at least you know the #supply chain and the environmental effects of producing such a good.

The sentence: "Alone I will not make a difference in this world and therefore I don't want to change my #consumption habits..." is not allowed as an excuse!!! If only a part of the approx. (so many zeros ;)) people on earth change their consumption- and living habits then we are heading for sure to less poluted and #green future and allow as a consequence also #future generations to live a #healthy and worthy life.

This is only one of many simple steps to reduce #consciously the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) as (multinational) companies will stop to sell and transport certain goods to certain countries if they understand that the population prefers to buy local goods.

Here the link for more: Screenshot_20181017-022724_Samsung Internet.jpghttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article/world-has-only-20-years-to-meet-ambitious-1-5-degree-c-warming-threshold/

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