The Great Climate Change Debate

in #globalwarming7 years ago (edited)

Is it science or is it politics and why I do what I do

If you know me, and most of you do not as I am relatively new to the community (though I am certain that will change), but if you did then you would know that I do not monger fear. There are a couple of reasons why this is not my nature, one is that fear is a virus within the hive consciousness that poisons us all energetically. Why do you think mass media keeps the fear level heightened in their news reports? Another reason is that I want your mind to be clear and rational in considering what I am about to write and fear is known to shut down the frontal cortex, your reasoning center of your brain for the flight or fight response of the amygdala. I am concerned for I fear as a species we are facing a danger unprecedented for at least a couple of centuries.

It seems to me the great climate change debate has for the most part deteriorated into idiomatic statements. The popular consensus is that man's carbon dioxide output has caused the planet to warm up and while there is no denying that we have done incredible damage to the ecosystem, are responsible for the extinction of many creatures, and seem to lack the intelligence to know how to live in harmony with nature bringing into question whether we are the most intelligent creature on this planet, I find myself at odds with the said theory of man made climate change. It seems to me to require some hubris to think that we have the capacity to alter the climate of the Earth considering the power within her and our own insignificance and then compared to the power of the sun, a thousand times bigger than Earth; how insignificant is that? We are but like a single celled organism compared to such power. But still, a bacteria given the right conditions can kill a highly complex organism such as a mammal.

The problem with this consensus is that I fear it is incorrect, especially since it was popularized by a wealthy elitist with Hollywood connections who now profits off of the political and economic response to the perceived threat of Global Warming(GW); carbon credits. An elitist whose family and associates have historic connections to eugenics programs of the past and present, and according to James Corbett of the Corbett report, these modern-day eugenics programs are guised under nice concepts such as the UN's sustainable development project And the IPCC was charged by the UN to investigate man-made climate change.

When the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' was making the circuit, like most people I got caught up in it. If this is true then we need to do something about it, though if I am honest, living in Canada, I was not concerned about my personal safety. But then cracks in the theory started to reveal themselves and were further compounded by the proselytizing brow beating fear mongering of GW by mass media. Such single-mindedness by mass media is a sure sign of fake news, or propaganda of the corporate oligarchs, those puppet masters to your corporate government. And it even gets worse than that with some politicians calling for the imprisonment of GW deniers. Such bullying tactics are indicative to me that something isn't right for I have found the only time one needs to resort to such tactics to convince others that they are right is when they are terribly wrong. Truth generally rises to the surface more often than not.

What I am about to discuss is a potential danger that I see facing humanity over the next few decades, a danger that could very well be of catastrophic proportions causing death and destruction on a scale not seen in our lifetimes. We have the time to prepare for what is coming but unfortunately, the majority of you have been deceived to believe something that is scientifically untenable. Something that some consider the greatest scientific fraud perpetrated upon humanity. I would love to be wrong in this and I could very well be wrong in this but if I am not then there is something we as a species need to be aware of.

Global warming was a reality and the fact is, humanity had nothing to do with it for it was part of a cycle that has been mapped back millions of years and while many do not want to believe this and will accuse me of being a stooge for a big oil, the science, in my humble opinion suggests otherwise. Those peak warm temperatures that had many people concerned twenty years ago were cyclical and when one looks at this cycle throughout history we see that every cooling cycle was preceded by exactly such warm temperature peaks. And since then temperatures worldwide have been dropping, though you won't read or hear that from any mainstream media outlet as their sources such as NOAA and the IPCC have been called out for faking climate data to support their theory.

There are other considerations to these cooling cycles preceded by a lessening of the energy output of the sun called the grand solar minimum. Within one to two decades of such a cooling, there is an increase in earthquakes and such an increase will also mean an increase in volcanism. Four out of five of the last cooling periods saw an [increase in volcanism that actually exacerbated the already cold temperatures by spewing massive amounts of ash high into the atmosphere as happened during the Dalton Minimum when Mount Tambora erupted with a volcanic eruption index of 7 and is the most powerful eruption in recorded history. The following year became the year of no summer around the world and in the U.S. snow and frost were present in August, crops failed and people starved. That year saw an outbreak of Typhus in Ireland and a 100,000 perished. In Asia, the first recorded pandemic of Cholera(1816-23) took place.

Already, this winter season of 2017-18 has seen hundreds of cold temperature records being broken in North America. Snows in the Sahara two years in a row, hundreds of water mains bursting in Missouri, thermometers in Russia are breaking as they only go down to -60 while the temperature has been hitting -70, lizards in Florida fall off their perches due to the cool weather, sharks freezing in the ocean and the Bay of Fundy was frozen a couple of weeks ago during the extreme cold snap. Alaska is warm, but did you know Alaska has warmed up during the last few glacial periods while the rest of Canada was covered in thick sheets of ice. I live in Canada, trust me when I say global warming is far more preferable to me than global cooling, but weather is weather whether you like it or not.

In the next few years, we will continue to see snow and cold in places where we are not used to seeing it as well as an increase in crop shortages. During the Maunder Minimum the, known population was decimated by 45%, due to crop failures, starvation, disease and social unrest. Considering today's population of seven billion a population reduction of 45% would mean the death of some three billion people. All because some wealthy elitist convinced humanity that they were to blame for causing the world to warm up while at the same time calling for population reduction.

When I put theses pieces together like this it gets scarily conspiratorial, but I have learned that there are far more conspiracies being perpetrated by the corporate oligarchs than we could ever know about. Is this a plot to get rid of 45% of what Prince Phillip calls us breeders? I can't say for sure, this is largely speculation, that I will not deny, but am I wrong? Is my logic unreasonable?

Or is global warming a climatic false flag to keep us all distracted from the real threat?

Stay Warm and spread the word.

Winter is coming.

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