globalization according to the worldview

in #globalization6 years ago

Before outlining the notion of globalization by experts, world banks and others, as a basic understanding of globalization in general, we can refer to the origin of the word "global". In the Indonesian General Dictionary the word global means overall. Globalization can be spelled out as a process that encompasses the whole sphere of life so that there is no apparent binding boundary.
Under these conditions, anything can go in so it will be difficult to filter or control. Literally, globalization is a social change, in the form of increasing the interrelationship of elements of society that occur as a result of transculturation and technological developments in the field of transportation and communication that helps in facilitating the occurrence of cultural exchange and global economy or international economy ). It seems that the understanding of globalization in general, diverse understanding of globalization according to experts, the world bank, IMF, etc. can be described as follows:
Emmanuel Ritcher, according to him, globalization is a global network that simultaneously unites people who were previously scattered and isolated in the interdependence and unity of the world. Thomas L. Friedman, according to him the notion of globalization has two dimendi namely the dimensions of ideology and technology dimensions. The ideological dimension of free market and capitalism, while the technological dimension is the information technology that has unified the world. Malcolm Waters, defines globalization as a social process that results in geographical restrictions on socio-cultural circumstances becoming less important, incarnate in people's consciousness. N. Lyman, defines globalization as a very rapid growth that occurs in relationships and interdependence between countries in the world in terms of trade and finance. Bererkens: globalization as a process in which basic social arrangements (such as power, politics, culture, markets , rights, values, ideologies, norms, identities, citizenship, solidarity) become attached to each other due to the acceleration and expansion of transnational currents of people, products, images and financial information Tom G. Palmer: globalization as "depreciation or abolition of restrictions imposed and exchange cross-border and gl systems obal is increasingly integrated and complex.Josep Klapper (1990). According to his observations, intensive globalization occurred in the early 20th century with the development of communication technology.
Contact culture is not necessary through physical contact because it has enabled contact through the media. Since these contacts are not physical and individual, they are massive, involving large numbers of people.Laurence E. Rothenberg. Defines globalization as the acceleration and intensification of interaction and integration between different people, enterprises and governments of different countries. Scholte: Globalization is defined by the increasing demarcation of borders between countries, such as barriers to imposition of import tariffs, foreign exchange and migration. Anthony Giddens (1989): Globalization is a process of increasing the interdependence of the world community. This is characterized by a life-level gap between industrial societies and the third world community.A.G. McGrew: Globalization is a process whereby events, decisions, and activities in one part of the world can have important consequences for different individuals and communities in other parts of the world. The notion of globalization according to Martin Albrow: Globalization refers to all processes in which the world community is incorporated into a the world's sole society of global society. Takis Fotopoulos. It defines globalization from several aspects of economic globalization as the opening and deregulation of commodity, capital and labor markets resulting in neoliberal globalization, the political globalization of the emergence of transnational elites and regardless of the origin or limits of the state. And cultural globalization is the occurrence of cultural homogenization around the world.Dr. Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan. Globalization is a process that encompasses the causes, cases, and consequences of transnational and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities.Selo Soemardjan. Globalization is defined as a process of establishing organizational and communication systems between societies around the world in order to follow the same system and certain rules. This can be exemplified by the formation of the United Nations and the OIC.Achmad Suparman. Understanding of globalization according to him is a process of making something (thing or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being limited by region.

Understanding globalization according to experts in international institutions

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) defines Globalization as an increasing interdependence of economies across the globe marked by the increasing and varied cross-border transactions of goods and services across the country and the widespread and rapid spread of technology (IMF, Word Economic Outlock, May 1997) . World Bank, according to the World Bank, globalization means the freedom and ability of individuals and companies in initiating economic transactions with people from other countries.
Understanding of globalization by dictionary and inseclopedi

Merriam Webster (Merriam Webster Dictionary) dictionary: an increasingly integrated global economic development characterized primarily by free trade, free capital flow, and a lower tapping of the foreign labor market.According to Wikipedia Encylopedia, Globalization is a term that has links to increased linkages and interdependence between nations and people around the world through trade, travel, investment, popular culture, and other forms of interaction so that the boundaries of a country narrower.

Thus the description of understanding of globalization in general and understanding of globalization according to experts, the world bank, the IMF, including those derived from the dictionary and inseklopedi. Hopefully the understanding of globalization can add to our understanding of the full understanding of globalization.

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