Money is loved by the evil and a source to control others.

in #globalistlast year


If Satan had lobbyists he could rule the entire West - just as globalist bankers and financiers have increasingly imposed their rule over the last century starting even before today’s East and West ideological divide existed.

Would it be fair to say, symbolically at least, the globalists are worshipping and paying tribute to Satan in the sense that they use the same age old methods of deception attributed to Satan in order to get public support and funding for their crimes that include mass murders and thefts on the grandest of scales - all designed to gain yet more personal wealth and the power that comes with it, and gets used to further indoctrinate and coerce the public as a whole? Combined with modern telecommunications used to instantaneously spread lies around the world, the globalists abuse of power and violations of existing laws appear to be designed for the specific purpose of pitting large groups of humans against each other while the globalist are there to pick up the broken pieces. In the case of the globalists themselves, deception stealthily pits them and their willing or unwitting minions against the rest of humanity which they exploit economically, militarily and politically to the extent they can get away with it.

What are the major psychological and physical forces that cause everyday people to go along with the establishment’s crimes tacitly or otherwise when the same crimes are against the general public’s own longterm interests and the longterm interests of humanity in general? Self deception on various levels, as victims or aggressors, are huge factors for a significant percent of the participants in denial on either side of these issues. Is it from within individuals these self serving, self deceiving, and destructive forces have their origins, or is it influence from outside forces, supernatural, herd mentality groupthink or otherwise, that seduces and falsely convinces normal humans that willful destruction and exploitation serves the greater good while living with the possibility of mutual nuclear annihilation?

Now after decades of self serving globalist policies that add up to a controlled demolition of Western economies along with the social structure and cohesion to a large degree, the globalists have announced their solution for problems they created and profited from. It’s what they’ve termed the “Great Reset” which is another deception designed to usher in what will be their NWO Globalist Fascist Surveillance Police State “if” they get their way. Whether or not the planned Great Reset is Satanic, symbolically or otherwise, will depend on definitions and having accurate information.

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