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RE: While the governments slept Globalism already happened... and they don't like it.

in #globalism7 years ago

Good post. I sometimes don't understand why it is as difficult for some to believe the notion that politicians and governmental bureaucrats are consumed by power and control. We just have to look at history to see the many atrocities and destabilizing actions that gov'ts and politicians have caused. Do many think that our gov't is any more noble and altruistic?


I like to ask people some questions...

Is it okay for me to tell YOU what to do and how to live your life?

Okay how about me and my family, is that enough, can we now tell you how to live your life?

If that isn't enough how about if I get my entire neighborhood and we ALL tell you how to live your life?

Still not good enough? How about my entire town telling you how to live your life?

Okay, if that's still not enough, what is the magic number of people that suddenly makes it okay for me to tell you how to live your life?

Wait... did you just say there isn't one?

Then why can the government do it?

I have had similar discussions with people, and after every point that's made, many seem to arrive at this roadblock that goes something like this: "well if the gov't isn't going to do it, then who's going to do it?" It's like many can't even imagine or comprehend the idea of things being done by, you know, people. So perhaps it is a question of self-esteem or lack of belief in humanity and mankind or the human will, because many just can't arrive at the conclusion that we, as people, can do so much more than we have been led to believe, partly because we have been dependent on the gov't agencies to do them for so long. But many also fail to realize that this dependence comes at a cost; and the cost goes beyond just monetary (taxes, taken by force), or civil liberties (privacy intrusions), etc. ; but also comes at the cost of future generations being stuck in the same, or perhaps worse, governmental cycle. Is it possible that future generations will look back at the age of governmental slavery and think, "why did they allow themselves to be enslaved? Why couldn't they figure out that they could do things for themselves?"

"well if the gov't isn't going to do it, then who's going to do it?"

The famous "Who will build the roads?" conundrum.

It's actually not a conundrum. It's pretty simple.

I ask them. "Who builds the roads now?"

The government doesn't. They request bids. Companies and contractors bid, then they build the roads.

In the mean time all of that goes through a wasteful bureaucracy.

You could do the same without governments, either directly, or crowd sourced, and guess who would build the roads?

Answer: the same people that really do it today. :)

Yea, say this then watch heads explode.

Humans are like domestic animals. Set the cows free and they wont venture far. Set the sheep free and they stick around to be protected. People have been dumbed down and propagated to for so long they wouldn't recognize freedom if you rubbed it in their faces. And what would they do with the freedom? Most people aren't even able to take care of their financials. Most people cannot think logically. They haven't asked the questions, because it is not what we learn to do. So that's why they don't want freedom. With freedom comes great responsibility, and they don't want responsibility - like the children they are. And then they don't want anyone else to have freedom either. Because what is more provocative and what makes you more resentful than seeing someone being happy and free when you arent, especially when you don't dare to do the same thing.

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