
So here we have a great example of why flagging and black lists are slippery slopes. We disagree about the action. I get flagged / black listed and stop investing/promoting steem. This has happened to many thousands of users for things like copy pasting titles and self voting. This is why the current whales are STUPID ..... who designs a system, gets users excited and then, wait for it ...... down votes them for using the system the way it was designed? Not hacking ..... how it was designed. In other words, what morons decided to have self voting AND decide that it is bad ..... You can't make this shit up.

okay, so you mean we should get more users who abuse the system instead of trying to fix the system and get organic growth of users who want an healthy alternative to facebook? and have the chance to get here and there a few $ if they post something exciting?

"who designs a system, gets users excited and then, wait for it ...... down votes them for using the system the way it was designed?"

Re-read that until you understand it.

The system was not designed to abuse it, the system was designed to balance itself, downvoting people for attempting to abuse it, is how the system was designed. The name is self governance.

Self governance is not a contractual obligation to fairness or justice, it is the madness of crowds and a few big players pulling invisible strings.

If you want to improve the platform, focus on attacking the people who cash out the most STEEM to exchanges, starting with the list at the top of this page. #followthemoney

Either you got an attempt of self governance, which will never work perfectly and smoothly and to the satisfaction of everyone, or you got central governance and it works best for most besides some small minorities (like youtube). But you can't have the best of both worlds.

Much is lost in translation in a discussion about decentralization versus centralization, and there are no clear boundaries, but I understand the basic premise that inviting more people into a decision-making process theoretically yields better results for the whole. However, within any attempt at decentralization it's important to enforce protections for personal rights from the tyranny of the majority, and this enforcement will inevitably be through a centralized authority. For example, freedom of speech may be a so-called right in the US Constitution and STEEM blockchain, but it needs to be enforced by the government in the US or various front-ends on the STEEM blockchain to be useful.

The best governance models have the most hard-coded rights for the users, balanced distribution of power, and a high turnover rate for people in power. I can see on your blog you already understand how easily the witness spots can be bought and the inevitable self-preserving behavior that we will see from them. The witness system needs an overhaul, and specific proposals for how to accomplish this have been presented by authors in better position than I am. I think witness earnings should be distributed to more accounts in a way that scales with STEEM price to provide less profit incentive, but it would essentially require those in positions of power voting against what they think is their self-interest.

This place is full of people abusing the system with multiple alts, many making comments on this very page.

The point I think you are missing here in what he is saying is he isn't playing the game any differently then many others just on a more massive scale, a scale that has allowed many to abuse it on whatever terms they wanted to describe it to themselves.

we should get more users who abuse the system

Tell me... Who's the biggest abuser around here? Who built bidbots and farmed both curation rewards and liquid steem for the longest time ever? Does that person still hold all of that gigantic Steem Power pool harvested by non-organic practices? Is it a coincidence that now that very same person benefits the most from hardfork 22 since only his circlejerk holds enough power to make posts go beyond that 20 steem wall?

The problem isn't bidbots. The price of steem would just be regulated by, oh my god could you see this coming, offer and demand.

The problem is @themarkymark and his circlejerk. If you want to support the blockchain in the long run, you turn away from @themarkymark and whoever he supports.

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