
I disagree. There is a special sign for 'almost equal' that is ~= .
If the two were equal there would be no need for dedicated sign for these cases

no, but it's not almost equal: 0.999999999999 indefinitely is TOTALY equal to 1
like, not almost x)

Dude. I know it is not like that.
It is it is literally the reason for only weaker score I had on Math in middle school.

Mathematics is an exact science. Not almost exact, or technically exact. It is truly exact. An absolute science.

It doesn't matter if you write 'totaly' in all caps, or even if you use a bigger font.
If you don't have the exact same values on both sides, than you can't use the equal sign. It is wrong.

Man, i assure you that 0.9999999 indefinitely is equal to 1.
About the bigger front, I don't understand what you're talking about x)
And I studied math since I'm an engineer. And that's my mathematical professor in 2nd year of engineering that told us that.

If you think that you're better than him in mathematics, then I can't do anything for you.

Maybe try to search on web, there is plenty of proof for that... That is, if you can understand them :)

I don't need to be better than him.
This is not a complex type of math.
This is something that every fiftgrader studies.

There is = and there is ~= .

For every practical reason it doesn't matter. For computers it doesn't matter. Nor does it matter for engenders.

But the fact that it doesn't matter doesn't mean that it is the same. (There is no equality between these claims, just like there is no equality between 1 and 'not 1'.)

Btw - I am a software developer. I also work a lot with numbers.

just see on wikipedia?

Or elsewhere if you don't trust wikipedia? :D

Admiting you're wrong can be good sometime :D

Damn, you are stubborn.
I would admit it if I was wrong. I am not.

Go and ask your teacher.
"How many different numbers are equal to the number 17?"

Ask yourself as well:
Is 16.9999(9)9 = 17?
Is 16.9999(9)9123 = 17?
Is 17.0000(0)01 = 17?

If what you are saying is true, than there are an infinite number of unique numbers that are equal to 17.
Say that outloud and think about how rediculous it sounds.

A number is either 17 or 'not 17'.

you don't understand what infinite is it seems...
anyway, you see mathematical proof but this isn't enough, so i can't say anything anymore :D
Just :

16.999999 indefinitely = 17
17.00000 indefinitely = 17
16.99999(9)123 != 16.9999 indefinitely != 17
so, no, there is only one 17, but you can write it a lot of different ways. But you can't understand and you don't want to understand, so... stay in your little life :D

That was my last message, no need to talk to someone that have no arguments and don't want to see the truth^^ it's like talking to a fanatic religious :D

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