Review Of Girls Foundation : Educating The Female Gender.

in #girlsfoundation6 years ago


It is a must for individuals and cooperate bodies to be aware of the Sustainable Development Goals, and know for sure the reason the world council (UN, WHO,UNICEF) made educating the girl child a priority by making it the top five of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Gender equality is the means to uplift and take care of the girl child, the female gender is the power core of the society, so they shouldn't be treated like a second class citizen. Right from birth, they (girl-child) should be made to know her right, she has equal right with the male gender, and can attain the highest heigh ever in life, of the likes of Christine Largarde, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton just to mention a few.

For this reason came the Girl Foundation, an NGO aims at enlightening the female gender on the norms and values that will help them through life, also advocating and supporting the girl child. They have made lots of sacrifices to this initiative especially at the younger years level(Primary and secondary school), orphanage homes, and the youthful years level (Ladies, University student etc).


It's a known fact that Girls Foundation has come to stay with there first outreach to enlighten ladies in secondary school which happened on 13th of June, 2018, they gave lectures and gift to the student. @faete, the founder of the NGO did well to introduce the concept of Girls Foundation to the student and making them know there norms and cultures which is very important in life. @meemee entertain the student with a short story and end up the lectures.

We must be aware that the little seed sown into this girls will one day bear enough fruit to feed a nation or even direct a nation.


The girls foundation didn't stop there, they visited an orphanage, you can the Girls Foundation visit to Ophanage on the 2nd Of July, 2018 in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Girls Foundation has a thing for story telling,for in these the Childs attention is grasped and lesson are poured into it to digest, hearing the kids share the lesson they've learnt from the story shows that it was well communicated. After presenting the norms and value goodies they also share the physical ones : Noodles, tissue paper, beverages, tomatoes. This kind of initiative should be greatly encouraged.

With stage 1 completed, Girls Foundation stepped higher to reaching more girls, they stormed a secondary school on there graduation day, distributing books and mathematical set to the student , they also gave the best graduating student a gift to encourage her. A total of 50 notes and 50 mathematical set was given out to the students. The outreach held on 19th of July was a huge success.

We must come to know that though this gifts and provision seems small, they are seeds sown that will grow into a big tree which every girls child will live to benefit from.


Looking through the Girls Foundation blog, I can see that there blog page needs some little advice and editing.

  • Editing : Every topic should be made in capital letters, or better still the first letter in the topic, this makes the words look attractive to the eyes. There were also some grammatical errors in some of there blog post, for an individual like me some few grammatical errors can be forgiven but for an NGO that has plans to upscale there initiative to a global standard should start watching there template well before putting it on the blockchian where it stays forever. You never can tell who is watching the project from afar and sees the genuiness in it.

  • On the 19th of July, 2018, when girls foundation went to a school, the name of the school wasn't mentioned, for a NGO to thrive, they must make transparency a watchword, that's what makes some more popular than the other. Transparency is the key.

  • The Girls Foundation aims and objectives should be clearly stated in a different post, well edited, they should also try to make an acronym of there motto, which is not well spelt out in there post, though I saw one on @faete awareness shirt.

  • There should be target, let's say, by the first quarter of this year, we want to /must have reached a total of 1000 girls and enlighten them, this help to clarify visions.

  • The visions of the Girls Foundation should be made into a word, an acronym kind of a word that each letter stands for a vision, this helps to memorise and finds easy to recover the many vision statement. It makes it presentable too when pitching your ideas.

Above all, the best project/outreach I love the most is the outreach to enlighten the young ladies. Reaching them has a lot of influence to the society at large as many are turning there body for money.

To know more about Girls Foundation,
please do well to check there blog


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