Top 10 stupid mistakes guys makes with girls

in #girl7 years ago (edited)


This our society at times is seriously messed up. Most of the males out there are completely oblivious of their roles as men. Five centuries ago, we were the protectors.

A hundred years ago, we were the providers.

But now we don't really know what the Fuck our role is. And the fucking schooling system teach everything apart from this.

No wonder lots of guys fuck up with the women they want. They forget that these women are still human after all.

Even though they have boobs, they are still human. A human who would love to have connections with an admirer.

Here are the common mistakes. 


 I see it every time and it never gets old. The guy telling lots of stories of how cool he is, reciting practiced jokes and carefully selected lines in order to solve the magnificent mystery in front of him.

But the guy forgets that the prettier she is, the more she comes across these guys who tries to impress her. She soon gets bored because we are all wired for honesty.

Because why would you want to impress someone?

We go about impressing people every time - investors, employers, spouses, parents etc but only because we want something.

So you trying to impress her without knowing her means you want something. And what might that be?

Sex that's what.

So why don't you just fucking come out and say it. You are not confident enough, you hide behind your stories.So predictable and boring. 


 I used to get rejected a lot. You know why?

Because I was never present.

Every time I approach or was on a date, I have this catalogue of ideas about who I was supposed to be and how I was supposed to behave. So my attention is too much in my head and not with the girl.

I don't really listen since I'm trying to impress her. I'm trying to say the right thing, the right story, the right joke at the right time.

It never works out since she soon sees through my inattentiveness that I'm just a needy guy underneath who doesn't really like her enough to listen to her.

I see this almost all the time at eateries, the guy vibrating and not listening. The girl start frowning and rolling her eyes. Some people needs to talk sense into those guys heads.


 All my friends who dated girls by being nice to them regretted it. With the girls treating them like shit.

I know sex is fabulous, but is it worth suffering over. Besides that just one bad side effect of being a doormat to woman.

See, you being too nice is what she probably gets all the time. So by not doing that, you are an outlier.

 Outliers are interesting.

Having an identity is charming and you shouldn't vividly advertise yourself as a doormat by agreeing with all she says. If she spout rubbish, kindly counter it.

If she says something you are not cool with, kindly state it. You win both ways, you become interesting and save yourself from being pushed around if she eventually becomes yours.   



 It surprises me how some guys suddenly transform into a smiling emoji when they see a hot chick.

It's the same thing as trying to impress her, you are trying to influence her by being dishonest. The opposite of this is why most jerks are never single.Jerks are always real with women. They go with 'here I am, this is who I am and I want you'. There is pure honesty and the girl gets what she sees.

But being nice is simply saying 'here I am, I'm so scared I'll put on this smiling face because who I am suck, and I want you to like me and grant me a gift of sex'

The dishonesty prevents connection and your nicety bores her so fast.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't be nice, but don't be nice to impress her. Be nice because you are a nice person. Don't try to trick her with your smiley face.

Or your money


Okay here is what I'll say.I had a girlfriend who I was very sexual with. Like so sexual I refuse to see her at times. I rarely spend on her, she understands me and she doesn't care.

However, there were a bunch of smart and rich guys who wanted to buy her, they got her an iPhone 6+, bought her clothes and gave her money.She promptly passed the money to me, slept with me, has respect for me. She disrespects the guys, shouts on them to leave her alone, never sleeps with them.

That's the fate that's awaiting you if you try to buy every women. If you want sex for your money? fucking hit a strippers club.


 See, it's all about the intention. Men have been getting women since, well, forever and they don't use tricks.

So why do you need you think you need tricks? Yeah it's because you have a low self-esteem. You don't believe in you. You don't have confidence.

You can use THE pickup artists tricks all you want. But the ladies will see through your performances. It's kinda funny really, I did it for two years. Got only shitty and shallow girls for all my efforts.And at times, really embarrassing rejections that stung.


 I'm not going to lie to you, boobs and a fine ass are beautiful. A beautiful face can stop my heart at any time. We men have been wired to get attracted to these things. Nothing we can do about that.

But you know what?A boring person gets boring fast. One of the reasons why guys objectify women is they don't look past the beauty. They don't look beyond to after the sex and once the feeling is gone.

The truth is most guys don't really like the girls they approach, they just do it for the Lust. Instead of asking

  • What's up with this girl
  • Is she interesting
  • Does she have a life
  • Is she special
  • Am I going to really like her

They throw all these important questions away and fall too fast for the girl for the beauty. As for me, I've conditioned myself to walk away from a lot of pretty women since we are incompatible and I don't really like them. At times just after a few minutes of chat, I'm bored and I politely leave.

I've been in some nasty relationships all because I did it for the sex, but after the sex.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

She's like flowing water and I'm like raging fire. Conversation is a chore and their is zero fun.

Funny thing is that this habit of being selective reduces the rejection I get from women in general. I've even had women approaching me. That's because I have a type.

Same with my friends who play women, they have lots of women, but they have types and they don't fall too fast.


Ever heard the saying that 'The whole world loves a lover'Turns out that the whole world hates a hater too. And girls are part of the world. If you are too negative and you whine too much, you will chase them off.

You are supposed to be a man. You are supposed to take care of your problems and ask for help if overwhelmed. Not whine like a kid whose breakfast was taken away.


 More than three women as told me that they were frustrated because a guy they talk with won't do them the honors of asking them out.

They smile, they chat with enthusiasm, laugh and give every fucking green light on the planet apart from falling naked in front of him, but he just did nothing.

See, girls don't place guys in the friend zone.Guys do it themselves. Girls ain't dumb, they know the guys that want them, most of them won't just open up because of what people might say(sluts).

So if you are waiting to be her friends and then think you'll automatically transform into lovers. You've been watching too much lala land movies. You need some brains pound into your head. 


 Ahah! The biggest dream killer of guys out there.I'm sure they give them self all sorts of good excuses.

  • I'm too busy
  • She's too pretty
  • She only dates musicians and men that drives ferrari
  • She's not my type
  • I'm not interested in a relationship now etc etc

I hope the excuse is enough to nullify the pain. Because we all know you can't lie to yourself forever, the truth always comes shining through. 


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