There are beautiful girls around the world.

in #girllast year

We firmly believe that all women have their own unique beauty. However, we can't deny that beauty has certain standards and varies from country to country. Then let's take a look at what these standards are all over the world.

Swedish women are famous for their blonde hair, blue eyes and prominent cheekbones. These are basically the main beauty standards in Sweden. But besides hair and facial features, style is also very important. Elegant clothes of high quality, preferably soft or light-colored clothes and quilts. Swedes pursue simplicity and exquisiteness.

The French admire the beauty of nature. Minimalist makeup, natural messy hair and impeccable style make French women look gorgeous and elegant.

Women in Spain give the impression that they are sexy. A curvy figure, black hair and black eyes-these are the elements that make up the beauty of Spain. If you can't dance, you can't be a real Spanish beauty. Dancing is like a second language in Spain.


German women like sports and are especially diligent. Their ideal of beauty is simple-blond hair, light eyes, exquisite facial features and slender figure.


Brazilians may have the harshest standards for female beauty. Blonde hair, beautiful eyes, tanned skin and graceful figure are the necessary conditions for being considered beautiful here. These, using them, look like models.


Big round eyes and white skin are considered as the standard of beauty in Korea. Considering that this is not the natural appearance of most Koreans, many women here are prepared to make themselves beautiful under scalpels. But this kind of beauty may not last long.


The aesthetic standards of Australians are basically centered on looking good in bikinis. After all, it is very hot there, and there are many beaches. Therefore, a woman with a wheat complexion and a great figure is considered a beauty.


It is difficult to understand the American standard of beauty, because it is a melting pot of culture and race. We really can't tell whether they like thin or curved, long hair or short hair, light or dark skin, colorful makeup or a more natural appearance. In America, anything is possible.


Fair skin is considered as the standard of beauty in Thailand. So, as you can imagine, many women here are using whitening products. Another interesting beauty standard is size. It is better for women to be smaller here, which includes height, waist circumference and breasts. The smaller the better.


Serbia has quite strict beauty standards. Olive complexion, plump lips, neat little nose, bright big eyes and very thin, prominent and high cheekbones.

In Britain, the standard of beauty is described as introverted and aristocratic. Minimalist makeup, comfortable clothes, flat shoes instead of high heels, slim body, white skin, and some freckles to increase personality.


The standard of beauty in India is the harmony between body and soul.


You don't have to be tall to be beautiful in Poland. As long as you have the right proportion, medium-sized hips and breasts, more or less symmetrical facial features and long hair, you are a beauty. When it comes to hair types, it is best to have straight hair or wavy hair covers.


There are many beautiful women in Pakistan. Their beauty standards include fair skin, light eyes and long black hair.


As in many other Asian countries, fair skin is the most important thing. Therefore, women here take care of their skin carefully. When it comes to body shape, slim and small breasts are the first choice.


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