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RE: The Reason You Don't Understand Steemit: It's Like A Gift Economy Not A Commodity Economy

in #gifteconomy7 years ago

@stellabelle, first-- an awesome and beautiful post! I do believe Steemit has the potential to (at least!) lay a cornerstone in shaping a new kind of worldview... and economic ecosystem. Resteeming... because, yeah...

As a 20+ year "veteran" of using the social web, my natural idealism often takes a beating... I've watched so many great ideas get destroyed by the greed that springs from the "Pharma Bro" paradigms of the world... and yes, I was quite skeptical of Steemit when I first came across it (accidentally) back at the beginning of this year.

"Yep, here's an other fine idea," I thought to myself, "a fine idea that will crash and burn as soon as the locust hordes that seek out money-for-nothing gets wind of its existence."

My skepticism has waned ever since... led by the fact that UNlike others before, Steemit does not "overpromise and underdeliver." The idea of a functional "Pay it forward ecosystem" actually is alive and well here... and those who try to disrupt the environment seem to-- rather remarkably often-- have a change of heart. I see that in the way many newcomers' first question is "how do I make money here?" but if they are still here after a month, they are more concerned with community building. There are exceptions, of course.

I think I finally "got it" last week when a known scammer tried to invade our world and was summarily dismissed by the community... and almost concurrently, a community member in dire trouble received such an outpouring of community support that his seemingly insurmountable medical expenses could be paid.

That IS the "new world" we want, isn't it? At least it's a world I would like to be part of!

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