The World's Ugliest Fence?! Perhaps... but it was FREE!! ♥ Making a Pallet Fence:

in #ghsc6 years ago

We've gone and done it guys. We have created the world's ugliest fence.

Well... perhaps not THE ugliest, but you know, it's a contender.

It all started with a pile of pallets...


You see, we need another pen, specifically for our sheep.

We also do not have the hundreds of dollars to spare for said fencing materials. Have you all priced fencing, posts and hardware?! It breaks the bank! Needless to say, we are in the mood to get good and thrifty. Perhaps too thrifty... Time will tell.


My husband works at a store that has piles of pallets leftover from stock deliveries. They just pile up and up.

He had the idea one day to use them to make a fence! Our first idea, (still a great idea, I think, just not free), was to buy T-posts, and pound them in the ground in such a way that we could just set the pallet over them. All in a line. Now, the problem with this idea is that it requires us to purchase a butt-load of T-posts. A BUTT LOAD guys! That'a LOT! That would never do. Instead, he thought, why not try making a fence where we place a couple pallets side-by-side, with a sideways pallet every so often for stability. I was skeptical, but he was so excited to try it... so why not?


This is not a terrible idea. As we went along, it seemed fairly sturdy.

No, it will not blow over in the wind, or anything like that, BUT I was not happy with how strong it was at the point where we screwed the two pallets together. It was a weak point, and I could just picture the sheep rough-housing, slamming into the weak point, and breaking it apart. No bueno.


We happen to have a pile of scrap wood leftover from when we tore down our semi-rotten porch.

This would make the perfect reinforcement. We are planning on putting one board across each 2-pallet section, eliminating any weak points there. This part will be free as well, woohoo!

Here is how we arranged the corner. He had two extra-heavy pallets, and we put them together like this:


It feels good and solid. Even still, being the corner, we are going to take a 4x4 that we have leftover from a project and screw it into the outside corner in such a way as to solidly reinforce this as well.

We are using leftover screws from another project, as well as nails that were pulled out of the porch we took apart! So far it is totally free of expense, although we ARE running low on long screws and will probably have to purchase a box. There are some pallets that are not in the best of condition, so we will reinforce and repair them as necessary before trusting the pen with the sheep.

This pen is, of course, incomplete. We've used up all the pallets he brought home, so during the work week, he will bring home another stack, and next weekend, we should be able to complete the pen!


We have plans to make a pallet gate and use pallet wood to board up a corner to place feeders and water buckets in such a way that they cannot be tipped over. Nope, it's not a pretty fence AT ALL, but I am hopeful that it will at least be functional!

I can't wait to finish up this pen so I can get Jacob and Lamby into their own separate quarters! It's about stinking time!! I'll update with the finished product, hopefully next week!


Thanks for stopping by and checking out our craziness!! ♥

What do you think? Excellently thrifty, or horribly red-neck? Or a little of both? ;)


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Creative Commons License
This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



Not the world's ugliest fence, that honour goes to one built, like yours, from scrounged pallets. The builder lacked your artistic talent.

You have to pro-rate the cost of the leftover screws to determine the true cost. A few bucks, even if you have to buy a new box of screws, is a small price indeed for a long fence as long as it keeps the sheep in or does whatever might be required of a similar project.

For those of you who might be considering a similar project, don't give up just because you don't have a husband with access to pallets in bulk. Look for piles of pallets behind stores and warehouses or a couple of pallets where a roof is being replaced. Make sure you ask, you can go to jail for taking pallets without permission, even if they were going to be thrown away.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Yes... I suppose I DO need to factor in the cost of leftover materials... I was just excited that we didnt have to spend any money. Although the nails pulled from the porch WERE free since we did not build that porch, haha.

Yes, like I told someone else, if you want pallets, most likely you can find free ones. You can make an ad offering to haul them away, or just ask. Many stores have stacks of pallets out back that are doing nothing. There are tons of things you can do with pallet wood!

Has anyone told Jacob and Lamby that they have an ugly fence? I mean they have to live in it, so what difference does it make to humans what it looks like. I'm guessing that they will never, ever once bitch about the condition of their fence.

I actually think it looks pretty damn good, particularly from the cost standpoint. Reduce, reuse, recycle is not just words....

Well, I told Lamby, but she doesn't care. I also told her she is dumb as a rock, but she doesn't seem to care about that either... ;)

Thanks for the compliments!

Very nice! It is amazing the stuff they are doing with pallets these days. I mean if you go on pintrest there are whole pages with things that you can do with old pallets. It is crazy! Great job reusing what you have available to make a workable pen!

It is amazing! I was searching for pallet fence ideas and found quite a few. Most of them came out better looking than ours, but most of them also required purchasing additional materials.
My concern is how well it will hold up. Im sure it will require maintenance, but hopefully it will be easy to fix as time goes by, with more free pallets. :)

No doubt. I think you will be fine. As long as you have an endless supply of pallets you should be good to go!

Fences weren't meant to be beautiful they were meant to be, and still are, used for a function; so it really makes no difference how ugly it might be. Besides, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and at that price I would say it is a beauty.

Haha thanks @Sultnpapper!
Functional is the goal here, and I believe it will be quite that when we finish!

Luckily for us, we live out in the boonies and it does not matter if our neighbors think it's butt-ugly or not. ;)

That looks like a good fence to me. Way to do it for free! That's pretty amazing. I love it when I can get something done that needs to be done for free or super cheap! :) Thanks for sharing!

Well I think it looks great, and there is nothing better than free! Good job!

It doesn't look too bad! and a splash of paint/oil will make it look pretty decent!

My daughter has offered to paint it pink to make it 'pretty'. Sounds like it will look awful, but that's okay, she is welcome to go for it! ;)

Haha... my daughter wants to paint her room pink... I said she could try asking again in 5 years....

A buttload is a lot. I frequently use this phrase and I think that sadly some people do need it to be defined. ;) (I get the feeling we are close to the same age and grew up in the same general region based on our lingo.)

That is not ugly at all. It's artistic.

Haha perhaps we are. ;)

Thanks! I would say 'artistic' is being generous, but you know, Id rather look at it that way than as an eyesore.. Haha!

I would certainly say excellent thrifty! I know how much these sort of materials cost which is why, like you, I'll recycle/repurpose any bit of material I have.
Your fence could look much more garish, you've done a neat job of it. If you really wanted (and had some paint kicking around!) you could paint the lot so it all matches, but that's just splitting hairs. I am sure your sheep will be very happy once they move in :D

Yes, Im sure the sheep wont care at all. My daughter has offered to paint the whole mess pink. If she does that, Im not sure it will make it less garish, but is sure will be more interesting! ;)

Wow, pink eh? Your sheep will be living in barbie heaven!

Excellent idea, we must take advantage of the materials that we have at hand. regards

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