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RE: Last Night I Dreamt About Chickens: Building the New Chook House

in #ghsc6 years ago

Thanks Keni. Your comments are always so attentive and thoughtful. You do know you need a rooster to go with the chickens in order to be overrun with chickens right? He he.

A good layer will lay around 200 eggs a year. We will get 4 to 6 chooks which will be plenty for us.. they will provide food, dig and weed, and make manure for my compost. They are the BEST creatures to have on a small 'homestead'.. though we don't call it that here. I'm not even sure what I would call it... I just say homestead for the Americans.

Posted using Partiko Android


Haha! I was born in the year of the Rooster, surprising I know. Yeah my uncle has a cool gang of "Gai" chookin' weeders and bug removers at his place. I've even had the honor of digging up all their great contributions for his incredible compost. Woah 200 eggs a year eh? That's very impressive, thanks for the answers.

Oh and yeah, my uncle's home is just a regular country "Baan" here in Thailand. It's fun to join in with these trendy off-grid, sustainable, home-steady SEO grabbing names though. Once again, great post all round! 👍

Oh my god @kenistyles you are SO a rooster!!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol yeah some of my friends just call me a Cock.. smh 🐔

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