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RE: Harvest Time: Busy-Time

in #ghsc6 years ago

No worries @yurche! I figured you would see my comment eventually. :)

We are considering planting some sea buckthorn but had no experience with it. The nursery didn’t mention they were prickly, so that’s good to know!

We don’t have barberries here. I have heard of them, so they must be elsewhere in the US.

Thanks for the compliment! :) It was a great day.


Yes, yet sea buckthorn is difficult to separate from the branches, because they interfere with the thorns, and when you press the ripe berries they burst like bubbles. There's a little bone inside. From sea buckthorn usually make oil. It is not suitable for jam, because the bones are poorly separated from the berries. Although, if you squeeze the juice or cook compotes, it is good.

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