Raising them Simply

in #ghsc6 years ago


Summer is in full swing and our garden is really starting to produce. Especially the squash plants. Almost every night we have a casserole, fried dish, or something else that features zucchini and yellow crooknecks. My oldest is being a big help; he may be 4, but he is learning how to help Mama and Daddy in the kitchen. With so much squash and assorted vegetables that need to be chopped up before every meal, it cuts down my prep time to have a helper. “Many hands make light work” as my Grandma used to say.


It has been a hot week with no break. Harvest is in full swing around here, and my husband took the week off from his other farming job to swath (cut) our own hay. It was a rough and grumpy week; our ancient swather needed parts (which needed to be ordered and shipped in), and cost more than we anticipated paying. To top it off, the John Deere place couldn’t order some of them in because the swather is so old they’ve been discontinued. Sometimes life here is not pretty. I am home with the children because we feel it is important for them and the wellbeing of our family, and also because I take seriously the responsibility God entrusted me with when I conceived them (we also lost our first son, and when you’ve experienced a loss it changes your perspective on priorities), but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with my choice to not hold a 9-to-5, sometimes, when income is tighter than normal. I know God will provide, I trust that He will in His timing, but the bills will be rolling in here in a week and I am anxious.


In the meantime, we were able to limp the old swather along and finish the job. Next up is raking and baling. I am praying for an easier time of it.

And we are spending an average of 3 hrs a day having “nature school” down at the creek, a wonderful occupation for everyone. My oldest busted our TV a couple weeks ago — we only had it for DVDs and streaming — and none of us have particularly missed it. My oldest is learning parts of the crawdad (thanks to the kingfishers and herons that eat them and leave the exoskeletons laying around for us to find), and he is rapidly picking up on the nuances of the freshwater environment. Lately I have been taking my ukulele and his storybooks along and I spend time singing and reading to him. His vocabulary is increasing by leaps and bounds, and the baby (nearly 18 months) is now using “Hello” and “please” appropriately. 💕 It is beautiful to see.


A couple days ago while the baby was sleeping, I took my oldest down to a deeper section of the creek to try and begin teaching him how to swim. The swimming was unsuccessful, but we found a crow feather, a great blue heron feather, and I found a piece of “pumpkin” obsidian. What a find! After we returned to the house, I spent the afternoon reading about the different types of obsidian (mineral composition and formation). Even I learn new things every day! 🙃

This morning I played my ukulele for worship ar church, and will again this coming Sunday as our church is having “outdoor church” in the city park. I am looking forward to it! Our pastor plays the guitar, and it will be the first time I have played music with him.


And so, another week begins. The Lunar eclipse at 4* Aquarius this last Thursday (incidentally an exact conjunction with my natal Jupiter) has kind of thrown me for a bit of an emotional loop, but has been good for my healing journey. A bit of backstory: I am an empath (sensitive to others emotional states) and grew up with a Narcissistic parent... Having my own children has been the catalyst for pursuing my own healing. In the last five years I have, by the grace of God, confronted the vast majority of “old tapes” and healed the underlying issues. This last week was confirmation of the journey, and that I am no longer “broken,” but made new. It feels good to feel I have “arrived,” so to speak, even with the hiccups in my relationships with others (a therapist I saw once said that when you begin healing from past trauma, it doesn’t just change how you relate to others and the world, it also changes how THEY relate to you.).

And with that... I will leave you. 🙃 It has been a very busy week and there is soooo much more, but I will save that for a later post! As always, take care, and I will have another ukulele lesson up in a few days (farming schedule permitting, ha!). 🎶



A week in the life of a rural farmers wife. I pray your taking and baling goes a bit smoother.

Such fun exploring with the youngsters.

Love to hear about your life and love to feel the peace in your writing as you step into your future. I envision it will be beautiful!

Thank you for the prayers. Re: the future... I think so, too! I will be the first to admit it has been a rough transition... society conditions us SO HARD to think certain ways about life and work, and it has been a challenge rooting all those out (along with the negative tapes from my own childhood, some that reinforced things pretty hard). It feels good to be stepping free of a lot of that. Life shouldn’t be so unsatisfyingly hard. It may be hard at times, but it should always have the feel of a job well done. In church last week we read psalm 127, which talks about how “work” is a Gift, and includes Restful times and joy. Society misses that by a looooong shot.

2 Thessalonians 3

10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. 12 Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

Lazy makes me crazy. Lol
Good honest work is godly.
Rejoice in the fruits of your labor! The future holds promise for those who believe.

If I could upvote this twice I would. I love hearing about your family adventures. Sounds like you need a medicine bag to put that pumpkin obsidian in! <3 you!

❤️ to you @libertylemon!! I was so shocked to find that obsidian — I had no idea it came in other colors than black and grey! I think I might wire-wrap it as a pendant. 🙂 It certainly felt special to find it like that.

All my ancestors were farmers. But now my whole family lives in the city. Sometimes we go to a friend's farm and help them. I miss farming a little bit. : )

It’s a solid, simple life... but it IS a LOT of work, lol. There are lots of days when I really feel the “I don’t wanna”s. But in the end, I wouldn’t want it any other way. This is home to me.

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