Today's Promoted Post: @walkerland & @sagescrub

in #ghsc6 years ago

Today's Global Homestead Collective promoted posts are by:

@walkerland & @sagescrub

The smell of smoke from the fire and hot soup cooking is all around me as I write this today! Fall is in full swing here in southern Wisconsin! I'm excited to share two posts that were brought to me by fellow members of the GHSC.

Our first post today is by @walkerland! It is all about feeling connected to the earth as they homestead. What really blew me away was the gorgeous pictures! Please check it out!

Over the past four years my focus has become much clearer. Although we do live a homestead lifestyle, my passions run far deeper than off grid living often accounts for in books and blogs. My passion is for nature, and nurturing and growing my connection with it. I get a thrill from exploring, studying and gathering wild medicine. I love to grow it as well.


This next post is by @sagescrub! They shared a wonderful way to make jam without sugar or pectin! I was so intrigued because all the additional sugar needed to make jam has kept me from it!

We both love to eat jam with our homemade yogurt and granola every morning, so jamming is a must for us. But as you know, jams often have a lot of sugar, and we are not keen on that. So we researched and experimented with alternatives and the best jams we've made has no sugar and no pectin


As a collective we are coming together! Uniting, Educating, and Encouraging each other by recognizing the hardwork that is going on all around us. We, as fellow homesteaders, are taking the time to recommend a post that is posted by another person that we feel should be noticed!

Todays's posts by @walkerland
and @sagescrub was recommended by @goldendawne and @nateonsteemit! Every recommended post will receive 100% upvote from the GHSC and a resteem!

Check them out and then come join us on discord, and find out how you can earn GlobalHome coins!

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