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RE: Cheap seats and guilty pleasures

in #ghosttown5 years ago

Yeah I like being warm and was scared it might drop below 20. I must admit I was a bit warm when I got home with a backpack full of food.

Yeah I see what you mean re:gaming. You either play/have played, or you don't. Some games do require an excessive amount of hours though. 500-1000-2000+ - That is quite a lot to sit on your backside. I go in fits and spurts with it, nothing in the summer and all day when it's cold.

Game on. time for some monsters :D


it's raining here, it should be cold and snowing. I should be wearing a jacket. I hope we do not get the super cold that we get sometimes. We generally have a nice coating of snow to protect the ground from to much freezing, the problem with it raining now is that if we have a coupleof had days freeze, then that does not bode well for the buried water pipes and water mains in town. Most years in late November or mid December we have a week long period of minus 10 to minus 20f (-23c--28c). We also usually have that insulating blanket of snow to prevent the deep freeze. So it will be an interesting winter for us I think, we just need to see what happens.

Some games are just fun to play, and yeah it is one of those spurt type things, like binging on a movie or tv series in one evening or over a weekend. Still always fun though, but I am glad that not every day is a winter day, and even on some of those there are things to do outside and about town.

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