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RE: Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 02 #02 : Invisible Spinach Faux Pond Soup ~ Original Photography ~ Original Cookery ~ Original Photo Essay and Discussion ABOUT Cookery ~

Oh DD ... that was so creative and pretty nutritious with all the green stuff:) I love spinach too ... the taste of it. But it turns out the picky kids are right; it isn't all that good for you. All the iron and minerals are bound to oxalates and so it is mostly indigestible. But good for other purposes if you get my drift.

Love the idea of a mixed green in a bag with some choice herbs thrown in. You mentioned that the taste was just okay ... you might also try some pureed avocado to make it a bit richer but keep the pond theme going.

The presentation was fabulous and this is such a clever idea:)


Thanks, so glad you enjoyed my frantic night in the kitchen. It was fun. I like your idea of the avocado. I think it's just not enough flavors as I have it, to compete with the heavy spinach concentrate. They must make it that way. Didn't know that about the oxalates, but the other benefits ARE something to sit a spell and ponder about. They always touted 'eat your spinach', and we always thought it was so good for us as short people growing larger and older. You could start a new channel, called Vegetable Myth-busters--Things My Mother Told Be That Were Food Hokum or something of that ilk. Would be very popular. Hope your Saturday is shaping up to be a good one.

It is a beautiful Sunday here. Sunny and going to stroll over to Denman for car free day and then some kung fu ... seriously ... yes spinach is a cleanser but it does taste really good. I never had a problem eating my spinach even without the influence of Popeye:)

Are you a kung fu specialist? I did not realize. You could probably hold our own against Popeye then, even AFTER he had 27 cans of Spinach. Oh, Olivsk...

Nah ... just learning:0

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