I think my leg's possessed...

in #ghosts5 years ago

The damndest thing, I spilled some coffee on my leg earlier (and it was really hot, fresh off the fire coffee) and burned myself. Anyway, it hurt for a bit, but now it's alright, you know, the way burns go. But the weird thing is, I think an evil spirit entered my leg through that coffee.
Because see, it left these burns on my skin and no matter how much I try, I can't stop thinking it's a pair of eyes. Doesn't it look like a pair of eyes to you?


I think it's two eyes with eyebrows and a little nose below. And it's a really curious face, so that I keep staring at it. Yeah, I'm basically staring at my leg and I don't know if it's having an overactive imagination or what not, but I'm pretty sure I'm haunted now.

And like any good Steemian, I figured I'd record it on the blockchain. Even though that probably angered the spirit even more and now it shall reap vengeance for my trying to steal its soul with my photo. Anyway, if anything happens to me in the night...well, I don't expect any of you to actually do anything. And I don't really blame you, I wouldn't want to take on an evil spirit either. Just, you know....so that you at least know what happened.

PS: Don't stare into its eyes for too long or it might go through the screen and haunt you as well. Now that the beast has been unleashed, it shall wreck havoc on this world.

Cheers for reading,



Yep, you're pretty-much fucked HD. Nice knowing you...take some video if your head starts spinning around. 🤣😂

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I know, right? Careful, though...never know when the spirit might come after you. Who knows, you might be talking to the spirit already...

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Yes...That thought occurred to me...

I was going to use the word screwed but thought it was a good opportunity to get in a swear word for when @abh12345 does the swear-jar figures next. You kicked my ass so I have to ramp it up! 😂

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I went for 'beautiful words' this time and I do believe the 3 of us were non-entries 😊

Damn! But I say loads of beautiful fucking words....:(

I'm sure you do, positive about it!

Why, thank you :P I'd be getting a bad reputation otherwise :P

It looks a bit like an owl, or some sort of anime creature. Either way, it is clearly an animal spirit, so everything is going to be fine....

...if you catch yourself wanting to eat a mouse though, that could be concerning ;)

That is such a creative thought, I hadn't even thought of it as an owl, but now that you mention it....

..if you catch yourself wanting to eat a mouse though, that could be concerning

slurps tail like it's spaghetti....say what?

Lol. You'd definitely have to be an owl to slurp a tail gag

The medical term for this would be... Epidermal Imoji-pingo? 🙄 😂
A few cure ideas - Time, Aloe and a good sense of humor. Not sure about your Aloe supply, but it sounds like you have the rest covered! ;) You crack me up!

You never know about time, man :P Critically low on aloe as well :))

Epidermal Imoji-pingo?

Mwahahaha love that term :)) tHanks for making me laugh

when your own body starts showing faces, other than your own, or Jesus's, it's time to run to the hills..

unless you got drunk last night, and it's just a tattoo

Oh thank fuck, then the Jesus I have on my left hip is good. Iwas worried for a sec :))

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In my opinion it looks more like wings.
I would offer to do some exorcisms but I am too far away. So... It was nice knowing you.

Wings? Hmmm interesting...maybe it's a sign I'm meant to fly away? :D Thanks for the offer anyway ;)

Interesting. I wonder if this leg-spirit is going to make you walk someplace against your will.

Maybe the coffee was brewed with beans grown on the site of an ancient burial ground, and you'll wake from a fugue state somewhere in South America holding a ritual sword in the midst of a quest for revenge...

Wearing shorts, of course. You know, so your leg can see what's going on.

Damn and here I was thinking the burn had gone down a bit :)) Well, no dreams about South America yet, although I did have a very interesting dream about Richard Burton...maybe it's the coffee?

Anyway,I'd be down for a quest for revenge in a heartbeat. Life isn't complete without ritual swords, you know?

Thanks for making me smile :)

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