Ghosts, The Reality that Modern Science Wants to Ignore.

in #ghosts7 years ago (edited)

Night Mode friendly Ghost

Why does modern science not-believe in ghosts?
It is like they will believe in anything, mass hallucinations, spurious bits of electricity, operator error, imperfect human memory or entire groups of people, not known for lying, lying.

The problem stems from the false separation of physics from metaphysics.
To the materialist scientist, there is only the physical.
And any going out of those boundaries, basically destroys modern science.

If they accept, for a fact, that ghosts are the continued existence of some person who was once living, then they would have to completely change the modern scientific definition of life.

So, all study of ghosts are labelled pseudo-science. Thus a great deal of information and study have been... swept under the rug.

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To make the subject of the study of ghosts even worse, there are different qualities and quantities of ghosts. They cannot all be lumped into the same category.

Ghosts can be used to describe several categories of spiritual happenings.

  • A deceased person continues on living as they did while still alive.
  • A very intense event happened in the location, and its memory is stored at the location.
  • Other spiritual entities are "barely" seen and thus are described as ghosts.

Croaking - the act of shuffling off ones mortal coil.

It is hard to explain, because it is not linear. When a person dies, they take three days moving through the cave of souls before going to heaven AND hell AND being reincarnated.

However, part of them may still be attached to this physical world.
We hear of them a lot in houses where people have died. That the previous owner still seems to be there. That they go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you can hear the floor creak like someone is walking to the bathroom.

Many people have these experiences. In much of the old world, this is just accepted. That the scissors will wind up missing, and reappear somewhere else, etc. In the far east, they build shrines to the ancestors and leave food out for them to eat.

Battle Grounds

At a place of great turmoil and many aggravated deaths, there is often a memory in that location. People who are sensitive feel uneasy in these areas. And many people see pieces and parts of a re-enactment of the battle. Especially when the lighting is just so, like just after dusk with the fog rolled in.

The american civil war battle areas are very well known for these feelings and these sites.

The trenches of WWI. The no man's zone is still avoided by people even though no more battles have been there in almost 100 years.

Angels, Guides, Wee folk, Faries...

All of these entities exist alongside ourselves in this place we call the real world.

And, in the same breath, the are both real and not real. Oh yes, they exist, but you cannot reach out and touch them without a lot of ability to cross over / interact with other dimensions.

The real form of these entities is... well, we don't know because we don't even know what our real selves look like. But most people who have had interactions with them say they see a blob of energy, or else they anthropomorphise them. The typical drawings of angels is one such anthropomorphism. It is just the way of our brain trying to show our mind what it is perceiving using the tools at its disposal.

So, people often perceive these entities out of the corner of their eyes, or in the dark, etc. They swear they saw something, but cannot see anything. And often the person mistakenly says, they saw a ghost.

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Since modern science classifies ghosts as just figments of the imagination, then people who are interested in looking into the phenomena often take the exact opposite stance, that the ghosts are completely real.

As you can see from this post, there is many more layers, and adding these to ghost chaser's mental models will allow them to get a better hold on what they are actually dealing with. That there isn't just real and fantasy; that there is in fact many intersectional dimensions. And, it is entirely possible to find a ghost on top of an angel on top of a locational memory.

Many psychics have stated, that if we could perceive all that was around us, the empty rooms we sit in would look very crowded.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


I believe in ghosts. I have without a doubt in my life ran into some unworldly entities, things that I couldn't explain or even describe.

Maybe, someday soon, you will stop believing. There are people who are working on technologies to perceive in these areas. If any of them actually succeed, well then we can stop believing in ghosts, because, you know, we don't "believe" in our friend Bob. ^_^

Been there. Seen and felt things out of this realm.

You are far from alone. In fact, it seems that the only people who do not believe in ghosts, live in ivory towers, who for some reason demand evidence, but will not look at the piles of personal stories.

If science can believe in multi-verses then believing in ghosts should go along with that.

Yep, they believe in multi-verses, black holes, Higgs boson and other insane things, but ghosts, which many, many people have experienced? Nope. Can't believe in that stuff.

Very nice perspective, But if you want to see the logic in ghosts, visit my blog Here

I was very intrigued by ghost when I was little. But eventually it stop being interesting to me.

I will have to experience something real in order to believe in ghosts and all these kind of things.

Having spiritual experiences is a far better experience.

They open you up to a much broader world, and enlarge your ability to perceive more of the world around you.

Then, if you run into a ghost, you will have a much better experience and have more understanding of what you experienced.

This post was just to put out the idea for those studying, that it is not just one phenomena.

There is a world and dimension beyond what we can see for sure. There is a dark side and a light side and that seems to be made manifest in our reality.

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