10 SBD sent to desmond41 for smoke.io and Blockchain Training in Ghana

in #ghana6 years ago

Here is my wallet screenshot of me sending 10 SBD to Desmond for a smoke.io witness, i want to encourage western steemians to make friends with steemians in developing world and invest in them as human investment, one day they may become so wealthy that their upvotes may be worth 100 SBD each


I have read that smoke.io is a cannabis focused steem based blockchain, and i dont know why they did not give us steemians free tokens if they really are a fork... and i sense that they are lost in bull headed ethereum propaganda like many of these projects led by incompetant people who pretend to have a steem fork, and then get rightfully angry at steemit inc but then decide to use ethereum instead of learning about Eos Because they get distracted by some redicuclous anti EOS propaganda...... so anyway thats the vibe i get off smoke.io

we can salvage anything and just use the community of cannabis users who also use crypto for a LEGIT cannabis blockchain that simply uses a steem hivemind community (like a subreddit) and an SMT used by @harborcollective dispensary

but maybe @smoke.io will end up using EOS or maybe we can use the community they create to move back to an SMT and hivemind like i just said.... are any @smoke.io people here to corect me?

I Feel like hey if theyre still out there trying then maybe we can help them but im curious as to what exchange and what blockchain smoke.io uses and if they plan on moving to EOS like Golos has planned to do, which will honestly save it on an infrastructure level....

Dont let seeming failures of hf20 and steem and eos and bitcoin prices fool you, just because some people rush a product doesnt mean all eos social media will suck... eos social media will eventually be the winning social media chain now that i have seen the reality of steemit inc and their incompetance... but i know the government facebook money will eventually HAVE to pump steem higher than eos token per token once golos is pumped by Russian government and a new cyber blockchain cold war can begin... with europeans playing the Americans and Russians off against each other while the Chinese make bad software because lets face it hahaha the chinese juat copy and its only the Americans who can design things because communism takes away any incentive to actually use your brain power to design something great ... and only Americans can do this with Russians matching us in old low tech military planning which is all for show since the military has secret space weapons that render ground combat futile... we literaly have teleportaion and can teleport or de materialize a missile or rocket or even artillery out of the sky... not with lasers and heat but with scalar torsion fields and they rip holes in space time PHI EX style... so just know war is a scam basically lol but blockchain design? Thats the ticket... software is what we all need to design... let AI buils new weapons... weapons are a waste unless you design high tech space weapons...

Anyway smoke.io could be the start to a much better cannabis community on EOS or back here on steem after hf21 and hivemind communities finally let us have a subreddit like https://reddit.com/r/trees

And SMT will allow a steem smart media token for every cannabis strain or no, for every cannabis dispensary, allowing local people to invest in a stake in the dispensary that makes so much money... if someone buys 1000 dollars worth of an SMT, that steem can be cashed out to buy some product and that gets sold and with profit, tokens are bought back rising the price of the token... if you repeat that enough it might work... no one has tried it yet, and certain tokens for customer loyalty should also work... i already see customer loyalty point blockchains getting traded on binance!

ANYWAY i also must point out how Ghana is going to end up with a real estate boom when people realize how safe and business friendly it is and that private property by investors will be protected by the law which will be enforced for long term investors to keep coming in to build and develop

Eventually 3d printed cement homes will get bigger with lego like 3d printed segments that can be dropped into place with cranes, and so one day middle class Ghanians will be able to afford large American style homes for just 10 thousand dollars once the rich Ghanians are done having fun with building 3d printed mega mansions and the machines are then sold to companies to create apolonia. And planned communities will get built for so cheap, and then the working and lower class will even begin to acquire modeat 3d printed homes for just a few hundred dollars which anyone can save up on steem after a year or two of posting even without ever getting very large upvotes.... the price of steem will let us all live like Americans because Americans will also be having a better lifestyle for a lower cost! THIS paves the way for Accra and surrounding areas in Ghanas capital city to showcase new 3d printed low cost housing first for the rich then middle class then the poor, and thats the natural order of things, and if we follow it, everyone can escape poverty, we just haverto learn to cater to the existing upper class because just a little Celebrity attention in USA and you can have people lined up to invest in steem SMT to build 3d printed homes for a planned community that can use steem for rent payments and smart contracts to provide ownership rental agreemnts and allow average citizens to own small piece of property.... all of ghana becomes wealthy and they start having to use immigrants from aurrounding countries to do all the labor and farming... i imagine every ghanian farmer ends up so wealthy they can pay non ghanians to do all their farming for them as they post selfies all day on steepshot, living off the social media blockchain and gaining @yensesa tokens with easy to use yensesa apps that will come out and getting free healthcare using @air-clinic

Hahaha oh wait we can ALREADY pay farmers to farm with @actifit app! Woah imagine @mcsamm and @desmond41 or actually @tj4real did that one post over a year ago about helping local farmers do some farm work, inagine as an experiment getting a farmer paid in actifit upvotes just for farming, what a great publicity stunt!


What an amazing idea! We can help people out on individual levels better than any government can on a broad scale. If only they'd let us keep more of our money!

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