in #gg8 years ago (edited)

Great grandparents

I love the picture on this packaging, because my great-grandfather loves to read the newspaper. Also my great grandfather loves candy of all kinds.

My stay at pleasureblood road.

For the past two weeks I've been staying at the humble and lovely place near the small town of Albu on pleasureblood road, where my great granparents live. They own a small farm there and are raising a goat and three lovable dogs. They used to own several cows, pigs, lots of chicken and even a few sheeps. Due to old age, they have let those animals part their ways, due to high maitenece they require. During my stay there I read several books and wrote lots of poems, also I went on a walk to see all the sights that the locals had. The town near where my great grandparents live has a elementary shcool which is built inside a really old mansion. The mansion had a somewhat unique courtyard, with a really old tree growing within it. I sat down there to just watch the tree grow, it was a experience, as the kids scoolday was over and all of the teachers went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. I just sat there tough my toughs and watched them wait for the bus, meanwhile just looking at the glorious tree that had turned white from the wisdom it had gathered over the years.

This is the only picture of me and my great grandparents at the same shot. It was made by my uncle today before we left. I wish I had a camera myself to capture all the animals and the tractors they own.

My journey to the store.

The locals have a small town shop, called sakke store. My great-grandmother gave me some money to go and buy myself something sweet. Something sweet I bough for myself indeed. I bough myself some chocolate covered almonds, that you can see in the first picture. I also bough a bounty chokolate bar, some bubble gum, a tooth brush(I left mine home), a Estonian diary product called kohuke and 4 kinder suprise eggs.

I got a dolphin out of one of the eggs. Kinder suprise eggs are the best type of gambling out there, you're the house and you always win.

Watching TV with my great granparents

My great grandparents don't watch much tv, they just tune in every night to watch the news on all public Estonian channels. One night a show about the fameous Illuminati leader David Ike was on and was explaining all the bad that the banks were doing to rob people from their money. My great grandfather instantly went on about how the show is right and banks do people no good. Great grandmother agreed with him, I tried explaining that there is a system out there to replace banks, my great grandmother instantly got, that her mind could not comprehed such system and told me that she doesn't know what it could be. There were more adventures that I had with my great-grandparents while watching the tv, since those stories would bore the reader, I'm leaving them out.


Not to say the least, my great grandmother is one of the best cooks out in the universe. She made everything from oven potatoes to marinated herring. I ate EVERYTHING, the food there was so nutrient rich that I gained at least 10kg of weight during my 2 week stay there. I also got into the habit of adding garlic to every salty food, it eventually even made my farts smell like garlic. I wish I could hire her as a cook, because the food was indeed really good. It tasted really traditional.

The gift.

Not much of a gift, I asked my great grandmother if I could have a small knitted mouse and a mug for myself. She agreed and even forced a whole trunk full of food for me to eat at home. That's their style to spread everything they have across the whole family. I got a whole sack full of cabbages and carrots. This food will last troughout the winter, if not longer.

The mug is made from metal, looks like brand new. Most likely will stay brand new even during the next several generations.

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