The Hitman's Bodyguard (film): Honesly, much better than i thought it would be

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago

I watched this film and paid money to do so the last time i was in Singapore only to discover that it was available on my international flight back to Thailand for free on the plane. At that particular point in my life it was the only film i had seen in theaters for years. I chose it for all the wrong reasons: I recognized 2 people on the poster. However, with the access that people have to just about everything online these days I don't suppose that choice is all too uncommon.


It's an action-comedy film. An all too common one as well i suppose and if i was on board to be involved with this thing i would have likely not wanted to be. However, the movie made more than 100 million dollars so well, that's a success.

Ryan Reynolds plays Michael Bryce, a guy that somehow has the skillset and reputation to be hired to protect high-profile clients as they move around the world. Sam Jackson is Darius Kincaid, who is an aging assassin who well, does the opposite of that. They end up teaming up because: stuff. It doesn't really matter. I mean honestly the storyline is dumb but that doesn't change the fact that the movie is fun and worth seeing.


Basically, Michael Bryce gets hired in a roundabout way to protect Darius Kincaid from people that are trying to kill him. They are both really lethal so of course they butt heads and both of them end up being wrong or right throughout the various scenarios they find themselves in.

It should come as no surprise that at first they really don't want to work together but eventually they end up being pals. At least, i wasn't surprised because there really wasn't anywhere else for that film to go.

I bet it was really fun to be an extra in this scene

The movie was great because it stayed fun throughout despite the fact that we are relatively sure what is going to happen once the two of them get teamed up. It seems as though (at least in USA) that we are focused more on individual scenes than we are in the overall story. I don't necessarily like this idea but I also realize that the ultimate objective of any movie studio is to make money, not to make art.

This movie is money. It sure as s**t isn't art.

That being said i think that if you are in the mood for some laughs as well as some kick-ass action, you could do worst than The Hitman's Bodyguard.

6.5 / 10


It had been a while since I was totally enjoying a funny comedy action movie. This was by far the most exciting old fashion action movie I have seen in the past few months. It was fun, got lots of funny moments especially when we saw the interaction between Ryan Reynolds (Bryce) and Samuel L. Jackson (Kincaid). It was actually not a new recipe where two people of different background had to work together to be safe from the bad guys (a little bit similar formula in the movie Bulletproof with Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler). However, this movie was having a lot more awesome ridiculous stunts and a lot more brutal. Yes, the killings were pretty violent but not up to the level of horrifying.

The movie had got an R rating mostly I think due to the profound language (countless times we would here the "F" word being used in here) and some of the action sequences. The main attraction in this movie was definitely the amazing chemistry between Bryce and Kincaid's characters. It was really wonderful to see how difficult Bryce who was a methodical full of planning type had to deal with Kincaid who always did anything based on instinct. Surprisingly also, Salma Hayek's character as a totally violent person was very fun to watch.
Another factor that made the movie so fun to see was the use of some 80s songs to accompany the "romantic" scenes such as Hello by Lionel Richie or I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner. The explosion effects and the sound effects were great. All in all this film was a really entertaining movie that gave us lots and lots of fun. I would really really recommend this one for you to see in the cinemas near you. Please be sure to watch this one with your friends and family (minus the children as it was not for their consumption). If you are longing for a good fun comedy action movie, then you have got to see this.


Great Post.but,i think this movie deserve some more Rating...

Very good posts sir @gooddream
amazing movie

I am gonna rate this one some 9/10 points. Well dont count me dumb on it. I watch movies to get entertained and this one is just that. 1 point lost is due to the stupid storyline but i don think that much bothers in a comedy action film. Ryan is hired to protect his client Sam jackson. They end up in a team up and they both are somehow similar in thinking. As clever and as dumb anyone can be. Really liked the movie. Its fun.

Action plus comedy. It has two characters. So it's a little bit good movie.
Thanks to @gooddream for sharing his review about the film.

I am also seeing this movie.What is the character played by these two actors.

Similar to most modern blockbusters and popcorn films, this film directed by Patrick Hughes raises a very simple and perhaps even primitive story on the screen. Where all the plot moves are easily anticipated on the screen. However, in this case, splendidly smoothing the corners by a truly elegant embodiment of buddy film elements on the screen. Undoubtedly bribing with two complete opposites, the contrast and process of relations which perhaps becomes the catalyst of the whole screen action, humor and all the best that can be in the picture.
"The Hitman's Bodyguard" certainly suffers from the same ailment as a lot of modern entertainment films. Literally throwing in the face of the viewer an abundance of plot inconsistencies and non-logical events, but very elegantly presented all this in a fairly pronounced humorous key. As if all the same and thought. And considering how luxurious humor has turned out not only on the example of jokes, but also the abundance of comic moments, the picture performs its entertainment function more than well.
The main guarantee of the success of the picture was certainly the luxurious duo of the performers of the main roles of Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson. Each of the actors managed to create a strong, charismatic, interesting and really entertaining image. When both together, both actors managed to create perhaps one of the best movie duets within the buddy film and comedy thriller in my memory. Almost on its charisma and game, pulling out the whole film and making it better than it could be with another cast.

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