Starcraft (if you don't know) : best this

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago (edited)

This is not a review. This is an invite to anyone out there that thinks they can contest what I am about to say because I honestly believe there is little to no possible evidence that could lead anyone to think other than what I am about to say in the next sentence.

Starcraft is the greatest real time strategy game ever made by anyone


I'm not talking about Starcraft 2 (which is good but in my mind the ship had already sailed) I'm talking about the original. The game that defined a decade of people and actually introduced a level of fascination in one country that actually had people making their entire living off of playing a game.

EVERYONE knows what Starcraft is.


It wasn't the first RTS (real time strategy) game ever made, but it was the most perfect one. For me, i had played Dune, Warcraft, Command and Conquer, and well maybe one other RTS game but none of them came even close to the level of balance and perfection that Blizzard accomplished with Starcraft.

I feel silly even writing this: Starcraft had 3 "races" , so to speak, and all of them were Korean


Seriously, the Koreans went completely bananas over this game and to this day they still hold a tournament ever year using the original game (mostly with Brood War expansion) and there is enough money in this prize pool for many participants to ONLY do this for a living.

Fans turn up to watch these championships and well, to be honest, I would too. StarCraft is in many people's minds the perfect game.

This video is more than an hour long and will only be entertaining to you if you understand the glory that is Starcraft.

personally, for me. I did enjoy Starcraft 2, but nothing will ever compete with the majesty that was the original. New graphics will never overpower perfect gameplay. I'm not saying I didn't want the 2nd installment, because I really really did... I'm just saying the first one... will live in infamy and I don't know anyone who was alive during both releases that feels otherwise.

1000 / 10


I must say that the age of empires series was better. Now days i prefer civilization. I do play SC2 as well. The custom maps almost take it over AOE.

AOE was fantastic for similar but at the same time entirely different reasons than SC. Me and my pals commonly talk about how epic AOE is, and how any attempts to improve upon it (including by them) have fallen flat. Sometimes something is just so perfect that there isn't a way to improve it.

LoL, perfection. Often lauded and never obtained. AOE3 was my fave.

Hiii... Gooddream

Good post.

The campaign game is quite well-designed. The scenarios introduce you to each of the three races, providing access to more and more units as you progress through the game. This is an excellent way to teach the player about the strengths and weaknesses of each race. The challenge also increases as the player progress through the campaign, providing good challenge in the latter stages. I recommend that new players play through the campaign before venturing into the online arena - it will prepare them for the challenges of facing human opponents quite nicely.
StarCraft is one of those rare games that is not overly complex, but provides a challenging and fun gaming experience. It never seems to get old or boring, and always provides a changing game experience. I'd rate it a 1001/10. StarCraft remastered ain't bad either. However, the original always rocks.

A very dynamic strategy game

Ahora, unas dos décadas más tarde, StarCraft sigue siendo una de las franquicias de juegos más queridas en el mundo con innumerables jugadores que engendran más señores, construyen pilones adicionales y hacen que los vasos sanguíneos exploten en ataques de rabia después de volver a apresurarse con Zerg. Para celebrar su cumpleaños, hoy en The Dan Cave, estamos averiguando algunos hechos raros sobre StarCraft que necesita saber.

Never heard of it...looool

you must not play games. haha

1000/10 is showing your love with starcraft.
Starcraft is absolutely favourite. Thanks to @gooddream

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