The #NotMyDoctorWho Template COMPLAINT to the BBC!

in #getwokegobroke4 years ago (edited)


The #NotMyDoctorWho Template COMPLAINT to the BBC!

This is an update for the #NotMyDoctorWho campaign
^ SIGN n SHARE Here!

As we near the end of our campaign, and now the terrible truth of the Timeless Children is known to all Who Fandom, it is time to extend our action with a formal complaint to the BBC.
You can of course make your own complaint in your own words, but to assist everyone, we are now putting out this template complaint.
To make a complaint to the BBC, go to this link:
There is an online form, our template is designed to use this which is why it meets the maximum size of 2000 characters.
You can also telephone:
03700 100 222*
03700 100 212* (textphone)
(*charged as geographic numbers)

Or write in with a physical letter:

BBC Complaints
PO Box 1922,
DL3 0UR.
To use the online form, you will need to add certain extra details:
“What Is the complaint about” we said “Doctor Who was a calculated insult to all fans”
Firstly there is a drop down asking what you are complaining about. Of course, select “TV”
“Which channel” = BBC1.
You then have a pane to post the below text into, or writ your own.
Following that, a drop down for “Select the best category to describe your complaint”: we went for OFFENCE.
“What is the program title” Doctor Who.
“When was it broadcast” 1st March 2020.
“How did you watch it?” We said Actual (Live), whether we actually watched it or not.
The next one we left blank as the problem is the WHOLE episode.
“Do you require a response” we said YES.
After submitting, some basic id details are collected, name address etc.

THIS is our template complaint. It is EXACTLY 2000 characters so please copy carefully, we have left out certain punctuation to squeeze it in.


I support the #NotMyDoctorWho campaign
They have highlighted the online bragging of @DoctorWhoFem4 on Twitter over the last year, where this account claims to be radical feminists who have seized control of the writing of the show and instigated a deliberate plan to destroy the "institutional Patriarchy" of Doctor Who
After they were confronted last year, they hid their wordpress and Facebook accounts to try to cover up what they had said but this PDF has widely circulated
Everything they said they were going to do has come true.
The script for this episode demolished everything the show has been built on since it launched in 1963
We consider this episode a calculated HATE CRIME against the culture and fanbase of Doctor Who, an act of malicious wrecking from people who provably collected MeToo allegations against the BBC who claim to have a list of MeToo offenders connected to the production of the show.
They claimed they would release this list, instead they have held onto it, and we believe they may be using it as leverage so the BBC will not act against them wrecking our franchise
They have also said they plan a tell all book "Doctor Her"
At the same time Piers Wenger, head of BBC drama, has said despite collapsing ratings and howling protests from the License Fee paying public, he will make NO changes to Doctor Who. He also said the cost of the show is irrelevant as paid for by International Partners
These include HBO ZDF and SMG, the Shanghai Media Group, which means Communist China is providing funds to finance this hate fuelled detonation of the show
We will NEVER support the show and will NOT watch it ever again, unless serious corrections are made, and NOBODY with any connection to producing this episode is EVER allowed near our show again
The BBC should not underestimate the anger of Who fandom that its destroyed the greatest Sci Fi show in the world to capitulate to radical woke feminists


And when all done you will see this:


The BBC HAS to respond to these complaints and our template puts across the issues not only with the episode itself but everything highlighted by our campaign.
We still appreciate further pushing to grow our numbers more so please do share some more.
We thankyou all for your support.
John White @JohnTheWhite1
On behalf of everyone from the #NotMyDoctorWho campaign

*We are aware other groups channels etc are pushing for people to make complaints. We are absolutely fine with that and encourage complaints anyhow anyway anywhen.
This is OUR contribution to help make complaints to the BBC an overwhelming AVALANCHE!

This is an update for the #NotMyDoctorWho campaign
^ SIGN n SHARE Here!


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