Get to know me!

in #gettoknowme6 years ago (edited)

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Sorry already upvoted this post but my reaction took a while. Yes I wanted to read all the posts you mentioned, so I did.
Seeing a lot of similarities with your foot and my back and the things you go through in your everyday life. I’m glad you started to use the stick by overcoming and accepting that it was just a normal thing. Had the same in the beginning with my exercises doing them whenever they are needed. So during a meeting lie down on the ground and start doing exercises just not the thing you want to show the world that you’re not capable of doing things. Now I accepted that I can’t do everything but I’m happy with the things I still can do, and the things I’m getting back to start doing them because the exercises help with that.
I always say that I get everywhere with my thing called Zeeuwse koppigheid but I think you have the same mindset. I would have done the same to go and see cows at the beach. Too bad they weren’t sunbathing, that would made the perfect picture 🏖️
Post I liked the most is the one with the Spoonie explanation, never heard about it before. But the story just tells the damn thing accepting things and make plans how to work around them so you can do the same things like everyone else. Think I would love to know many spoonies, people with a mindset I can work with. Thanks for bringing this back in your get to know me summary. It should deserve a #spoonie tag actually. Think there are more people here who are a spoonie while not knowing, or don’t know what it is (just like me).

Hang loose 🤙

That's an amazing comment you posted here @guchtere and although I won't be able to express that here enough these are the kind of comments I carry with me and remember because they connected somehow.

I appreciate you taking so much time to read all these posts that deserves a medal :D

Yes, the Spoonie concept is one that helped me understand myself and explain to others what it is I'm dealing with. It's a sort of 'fun' story to tell about the woman in the restaurant grabbing all those spoons, but it really clicks for many people as well plus it's easier to ask 'how many spoons do you have today' sometimes than asking 'are you okay'.

I'm super glad to hear you've overcome some of the struggles of accepting the limitations and dealing with them yourself - like doing exercises during meetings. No it's not fun but well - people respect you for it, I know they do, and you would respect them as well if they chose to care for themselves <3

I'm sure we'll be able to chat more in Kraków about this (and other :D) subjects! It's indeed my goal to connect with more Spoonies since it's a very specific challenge we have to overcome and needs a certain mindset for sure. 'Doorbikkelen' ;-)


You two are the best examples of positivism and overcoming I have ever seen, how not to love both of you.

I didn't know about your injury @soyrosa, and your posts made me curious to not only know more about what happened, but to learn how you overcame that.

Lots of love for you

Lots of love in return @mrprofessor! <3

We'll drink a beer and I'll share more of the story with you in Kraków :-) It's a loooot of reading haha. Cheers, I appreciate your comment :-)

It's nice to get to know you more closely through this challege, @soyrosa :)

Really nice post, admitted, I didn't read all the posts linked to, but you do such a great description of the whole journey here that I definitely already feel I know you better and curious to know more!

Thanks a lot @frejafri! Glad you stopped by and got to know me a bit :-) I appreciate it :-)

Great to see your in the gettoknowme challenge as well @soyrosa

I read the first of the Final words on my diagnosis posts and will return tomorrow morning to read the others. It reminded me of similar reactions/indifference from doctors that I have experienced. It is crazy that often the only way to get a reasonable response, and proper level of care, from a doctor is if you walk into the consultation/conversation with a brain full of research. Otherwise they (often) simply want to treat-by-numbers.

I also read your How I started to rock walking with a stick post and what struck me was how well you communicate what it is like to have to adjust to these mobility issues you face daily. I think you do amazingly well and I'm curious if writing/blogging about the processes you have had to go through has helped psychologically with adjusting to having to do things differently?

Great compilation post of all your steemit activity :-)

Thanks for the comment @raj808, I appreciate the effort you put in it to read a bit and ask the right questions! :-)

Yes, indeed, doctors are awfully unaware of the human aspect and I cry for those who don't have the brains/are not (digitally) literate enough to 'fight' these battles. Therefore I try to never go alone to a hospital, often it's the 'other' who hears more or is able to ask that one question you yourself forgot ;-)

Yes, the 'walking with a stick' post might be one of my favourites and I felt really good when I overcame that (why is walking with a stick such a huuuuuge thing?) sort of burden. I tend to walk very straight and thanks to adapted shoes it's very invisible that I am in pain so for some reason it's really like 'coming out of the closet' when you bring a stick haha.

I absolutely think the writing helped me in huge ways! It took me 2 years to be able to write many of these posts, before that it was all too much and most of my energy went to the practical side of the challenge instead of the emotional side :-) So the writing was part of the emotional stuff I had to go through as well at some point :-)

Thanks again, I see you made a Get To Know Me post as well, I have it open in my browser right now so I can read tomorrow!

Wow, @soyrosa, so many wonderful stories and adventures. I feel like I remember you posts when you hurt your foot and fell down stairs or a ramp or some such? Unless I'm confusing that with another steemian, but I thought I remember you posting images of the place you fell and your ordeal in a foreign land to deal with it.

Today is my first offical day back, meaning I did a sort of proper post and shared the work I did on my painting today. I wasn't sure if it was the 'designated time' to return or not but it seems as if I can upvote and comment so I am off and at it.

Things do seem to have slowed round here a bit so I hope that will change in the coming week!

Yes, indeed I posted the exact spot where it all happened haha :-) Glad you're back dear! It has been a slow (but also busy in a sense) week on Steem but we'll make it fire again the coming days! :D

i remember these travel posts of yours chicks! Therapeutic yeah, that it totally is to reflect our normal life.... xx

It is! It is <3 I love that we can do so over here :-)

I read some of your stories but I gotta come back later and read them all! You are an inspiration my dear friend! Big hug!

Thanks! Huge hugs back dear! :D

great stories i know i read them all (not really, it would be creepy :) would it? :) )
it is interesting to see that writing could help about something like limited mobility.
i am probably tripping but in that first picture you look a lot like my acquaintance _MG_6828as.jpg did not want to share private phots so this is one i took, maybe not the best to compare.

LOL! You're secretly my stalker, I knew it :P

Well, she's a very pretty lady! I can see the eyebrows and round facial features looking a bit alike - very interesting! I have way lighter hair, eyes and eyebrows although they look pretty dark in the photo I share in the post hehehe :D

You have so many stories. That’s one of the things I love about you. Thank you for thinking of me on this, and for inspiring me with your perseverance and strength. 💞🤗💞

You have so many as well and I just know if you select 10 posts I will find a lot I have missed and blow me away :-) Thanks for being one my absolute favourite people around here :D

Rosanne WoW WoW WoW bijna een kijk in de ziel.
Hoe gaan we afspreken 😉 nu echt deze week?

LOL! Find me on Discord @brittandjosie! :D We'll do coffee :-)

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