Day 139: 5 Minute Freewrite ~ Wednesday ~ Prompt: Artichoke ~ Original Story (Sort Of) And Original Missing Photograph ~

in #gettingtestyoverproduce7 years ago (edited)

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Five Minute Freewrite Prompt: Artichoke

Arthur was the produce manager at the local Shop-A-Lot in town. He was a fine produce man, and really loved his goods. But one thing he could NOT stand, was the customers that squeezed his fruit and vegetables, nuts and berries. And this practice seemed to be very rampant in this part of town.

Possibly due to the stores' proximity to the local Crossfit Massage Therapy School, right around the corner. No one was entirely sure. Certainly not Arthur. But what he DID know, was it drove him absolutely nuts to have people schmooshing his kumquats and cuke's on a regular basis.

One day, a group of three guys came into the store with their CFMTS jackets on. Arthur soon noticed them gathering around the grapefruit section. He wandered over that way, to see what was going on. Standing just behind the Oranges, he watched and listened.

Sure enough, the boys were going at it big time. Squeezing and squishing his prized Florida Gem grapefruits like they were fluffing a bed-pillow.

He decided to confront them. “Stop squeezing my tropical fruits!”
The boys jumped, then laughed. “Hey dude, this stuff is TOO expensive. A buck fifty each, once you weigh them out? COME ON. That's a rip. I'll give you a DOLLAR, for two.”
The others chimed in and gave Arthur even more grief.

Arthur just lost it. He had had enough of fruit squeezing. He started wrestling with one of the boys, and soon it all broke down very quickly. Mayhem ensued in Produce Aisle 3 like never before. It turned very ugly. The police were called, arriving just in time to find Arthur with one boy's head tucked under his arm, another boy's head held between his knees, and the third with his throat firmly lodged in Arthur's strong, produce-stacking right hand. The police soon got it all sorted out.

The next day, the paper read:

"Artie Chokes Three For A Dollar At Shop-A-Lot!!"

~ Finto ~

~ Are you familiar with this humor nugget from the past? ~

~ Thanks to @byn for pointing out the Five Minute Freewrite on Artichokes by @deaconlee in comments below. A great story and different take on the same joke. Go check it out, and Full Steem Ahead ~

Here is the link to the post about the Five Minute Freewrite, put on by @mariannewest:
[5-Minute Freewrite - Day 139 ~ Prompt: Artichoke]

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the next installment of the Five Minute Freewrite. If you have any thoughts about shopping for produce, squeezing said produce like there is no tomorrow, angry Produce Managerial Staff, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 03/07/2018 @ 18:00

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 44

Five Minute Freewrite ARTICHOKES 2 for a dollar at Shopalot  ZEUS the $ cat.PNG


This is awesome. You should go read @deaconlee and his artichoke freewrite. You'd recognize a theme! ;) I wasn't familiar with this until I read both of your freewrites!!!

Also, I'm here to deliver today's prompt as well Daily Prompt #140

Thanks so much for giving me a head's up. I went over and read @deaconlee's works, and it was really fun and enjoyable. Funny that we both used the same joke. Though I think it's been around since before written language. OK, maybe not THAT long. But it's an oldie. Better get on with another free write. They are a lot of fun.

More genius you wordsmith. I have felt very often like the fruit salesman whilst shopping around children.

I finally did my own freewrite, not sure why I didn't try it before.

Thank you, that's very nice. And I can related to the children comment. Guess that's why I have cats. Maybe that's a good thing. Isn't this a fun thing? I went over and read it. Think I commented already, then again, this return is older than stale whitetoast, so who knows. Where DOES the time go? I know some went to cleaning gutters, roofs and other upper areas of tree stuff all day today. Which means the old Steemit suffers. This crazy thing called life, I guess. Have a nice evenink.

I hear you. I have to start going out and gathering wood from our big storm. @winstonalden, who used to work from home so was here all the time and ready to help, has now debunked to city life work (i.e. he gets to be in the city a big chunk of the day) so I'm the wood and twig gatherer and on weekends he'll be macho chainsaw man. I do love having burns this time of year though, the woodsmoke and the cool air. Some chores have a happy ring to them, gutters though, nope just not fun.

I love an outdoor fireside in the chill weather. Can smell the smoke right now. Oh wait, that's my Quinoa on the stove. Dag it. I'll keep this short, as I just wrote half a book on another post comment. Plus my stove is doing things it should not ( :

Funny story! It seems that you enjoyed writing the Five Minute Freewrite very much! And I always like to read your articles, GFF! ;)

Howdy. Glad you enjoyed the trip to the store ( :
I do like the freewrite. It is a way to really put a lot into a very short amout of time. Have to really concentrate. But that little timer always goes off too soon. Part of the fun, I guess. Have a nice day, GFF

I know you always do things with fun! You have creative idea and always did great works!

Have a nice day, GFF! ;)

I came for the artichoke and stay for the cat convetsation! 😀

Glad you stopped in, and like the cats as well. I've been carrying on with that goofy cat for a long time. Have something like 300 comments on one post from them. So, I figured, why not use it as an end point in my stories and things. I have a lot of fun talking to them. I need a hobby ( :

Ahahahaha you need a hobby! 😂

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