Week 2, day 1 get in shape challenge

Week 2 @illestbambi 's Get In Shape Challenge! !

This morning I wanted to get my workout finished before anything else got in the way.

Saturday I had obligations that ended up taking all day. Until 10:30 pm. My muscles were begging to be stretched and moved, but I was stuck in a chair.
Sunday, the scheduled rest day, was another day full of commitments. Our church is 45 minutes away. We leave at 8:00 am, and usually have lunch at my mom's, then sometimes come home, or sometimes stay at mom's until time for evening church. We stayed, went to church, and got home around 9:00. Chores, kids, bed.

Today I was ready!!! Since I missed day 7's workout (posted by @illestbambi last week), I did it today.
I did swap jumping Jacks for kettle bell, and did modified push ups, and baby Burpees.
Here's the video:

45 kettle bell
14 Burpees
22 push ups
35 lunges
35 crunches
35 squats
35 second plank
25 minute walk
10 minute stretch (after the walk)

And the walk:

I was really pleased with my weigh in last night!
I did it in the evening, just like last week, and wore the same clothes. Last week I was 185.2, and last night I was 180.4. Down almost 5 pounds! I'll take it.

This morning I weighed, and was 178.8. I usually weigh in the mornings before eating. Today marks 30 pounds down since March 29!!!!! Happy dance through the house!!!!!! Join me in the conga line! !

And now I'm ready for my breakfast!
Thanks for reading!


This is awesome. Keep up the great work. I'm hoping you find that Steemit is helping you stay focused and keep you honest with working out every day. I'll do my best to make sure you're staying consistent and leave bits of encouragement along the way!

Thank you very much, and i appreciate it! !

All the best on your journey!

Great work! That reminds me I need to get off Steemit and go workout! Thanks for keeping me motivated.

Thank you! Hop to it! Hee hee

After watching your workout video I must tell you.....

"There are many brands of decaf that are just as tasty, slow down" LMAO

That and AWESOME!!! You are making it happen. It is EASY when you're 18 or only a "little out of shape." It takes a metric butt ton of discipline when you're not.

What you have done is huge....but only a fraction of what's to come. KEEP IT GOING.

Keep it up, doing well!

For the last 4-5 weks since the garden has been in production we have been having breakfast smoothies.
Main ingredients:
Frozen bananas(got cheap as reduced for quick sale)
Frozen berries
Organic Hemp seed powder(for protein...from amazon)

A medium/small garlic clove
Wild lambsquarter
Wild purslane
A little spinach
Today I added frozen broccoli
Add any herbs or spices for health

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