Bavarian Food And Its Language - Bayerisches Essen und der Dialekt!

in #germany7 years ago


Hey, guys, are you speaking a dialect? Or does your country have a dialect? Germany has hundreds of dialects, the dialect is changing with the region of Germany. I am spending my time in the southern part of Germany in Bavaria and the dialect is called: Bavarian dialect :) very simple :) but really hard to understand, especially for people from the northern part of Germany! And by the way, did you know that Russia do not have dialects? What about your country?

I grew up in Franconia, but I am born in Kazakhstan. In general I am speaking standard German (High German) but I have a decent Franconian Dialect, too! It is also interesting that your dialect is showing other people were your roots are coming from. Sometimes roots are very mixed and this kind of mix other people will hear in your pronunciation of words.

I think it is nothing bad to have an cccents or dialect, cause it is always interesting to hear other peoples roots. I like to listen to all kind of dialects and accents on the streets, in cafes or in public transportation.

I decided to eat in Bavaria and found an language lesson on a napkin. While waiting for my food I was studying bavarian dialect ^^

Englisch, High German, Bavarian Dialect

Enjoy your meal: Guten Appetit, Laß dir s schmecka

Hello: Guten Tag, Grüaß God

Are there any seats? Sind noch Plätze frei, Habt s no an Platz?

Thank you: Danke, Vergelt s God

I am thirsty: Ich habe Durst, Dürst n taat mi

I want to have beer: Ein Glas Bier bitte!, A Halbe Kriagat

Cheers: Zum Wohl, Prost

I want to have the menu: Die Speisekarte bitte!, Hungern taat mi.

What do you recommend?: Was empfehlen Sie uns?, Was gibt s denn Guat s?

It was delicious: Es hat gut geschmeckt, Guat war s!

I want to have a bill: Die Rechnung bitte!, Zahl n möcht i!

Good Bye: Auf Wiedersehen!, Pfüa God!

Quite funny to hear for Germans that are not Bavarians ;)

It was possible to sit outside, sun was shining and I was getting hungry and really looking forward to eat something

Beer and sun = perfect combination!

Food: Krustenbraten with Kloß :P :) (tradition kitchen of the region)

These are the colors of Bavaria: Blue and White

At the end I drank a hot chocolate and went on with my walk next by the lake :) <3

See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo! Welchen Dialekt sprichst du? In Deutschland gibt es ja bekanntlich hunderte Dialekte und diese verändern sich logischerweise je nach Region. Einige schöne Tage habe ich in Süddeutschland verbracht und der Bayerische Dialekt ist am Tegernsee nicht zu überhören. Bayerisch wird nicht jeder verstehen, die grössten Sprachprobleme mit Bayerisch werden wohl die Norddeutschen haben :P PS: Wusstet ihr, dass in Russland keine Dialekte existieren, nur Hochrussisch. Wie schaut es in euren Ländern aus, wird viel Dialekt gesprochen?

Aufgewachsen bin ich in Franken, geboren jedoch in Kasachstan. Überwiegend spreche ich Hochdeutsch, doch hier und da erwähne ich auch oft Fränkische Ausdrücke und sofort erkennen einige woher ich her komme. Es ist interessant, denn Dialekte verraten die Herkunft. Ich mag Dialekte oder auch unterschiedliche Akzente, ab und zu hören ich Fremden auf Strassen zu und versuche Dialekte oder auch das Herkunftsland zu erraten :)

So der Hunger ruft und während ich auf meine Bestellung gewartet habe, konnte ich auch gleichzeitig Bayerisch lernen. Multifunktionale Serviette ^^

Hochdeutsch Bayerisch

Guten Appetit Laß dir s schmecka

Guten Tag Grüaß God (Bavarian Dialect)

Sind noch Plätze frei Habt s no an Platz?

Danke Vergelt s God

Ich habe Durst Dürst n taat mi

Ein Glas Bier bitte! A Halbe Kriagat

Zum Wohl Prost

Die Speisekarte bitte! Hungern taat mi.

Was empfehlen Sie uns? Was gibt s denn Guat s?

Es hat gut geschmeckt! Guat war s!

Die Rechnung bitte! Zahl n möcht i!

Auf Wiedersehen! Pfüa God!

Hört sich für Bürger ausserhalb Bayern lustig an^^

Möglich war es draussen zu sitzen, die Sonne war reichlich vorhanden und ich suchte mir ein passendes Plätzchen

Bier und Sonne = Perfekte Kombination!

Krustenbraten mit Kloß

Die Farben Bayerns: Blau und Weiss

Zum Schluss gab es noch eine heisse Schokolade bevor mein Spaziergang am See fortgesetzt wurde :) <3

Bis Bald und nen Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


we have also in morocco dialect is changing with the region of morocco, for example people who live in the north of morocco speak "chamaly" and who live the south speak "hassani" and we have also berber who speak "amazigh" ...

do you understand each other?

A little but for me I can't understand "amazigh" , "Rifi" its so diffuclt

Hi My Dear friend @lentramper thank you so much for sharing another nice" traveling story. have a nice day.

Thanks for these beautiful pictures
My country also speaks in its own language. We hardly speak our native language except in schools

you are welcome, thanks for your information, I hared also that arabic language has many dialects

I thought every country has many dialects (didnt know Russia doesnt - really?). My Czech homeland, despite its small size, has dozens (if not hundreds) different dialects too, ranging with regions and towns :) actually, there is a small area close to my hometown of Opava, its called "Prajzska" (Preußen) where people speak more German than Czech :D Ironically, it is far away from the Czech-German border...

yes, no dialects in Russia, you just hear small differences if a person is coming from Siberia or from Moscow, but just a decent difference :) yeah Preußisch is quite more German , because of the history, or Sudetendeutsche from Czech republic that are also Germans, no wonder we are neighbors!

@lenatramper now you are like an artist who again rides in steemit, for food today I select coffee first.

I will talk about myself as someone who speaks Arabic ,,, there are many Arabic dialects ,,, some of which I can not understand when they speak ,,, feel like they are from another world ,,, our language is one but our accent is different ,,, as you talked previously disagree In the roots of ancestors ,,, All the Arab countries speak one language, but the difference in tone and the difference of words and names have difficulty in understanding,You only think we disagree with dialect.


thanks you for sharing information ,,, really ... cool ur post so good luck my dear lady @lenatramper

Thank you very much samer, yes I heard about arabic language and its various dialects! Thanks for your information!

Amazing article and delicious food. But we can't taste it :p Next time arrange these for us too ;)

thanks, haha ok

welcome. I will wait :D Don't forget ok ;) :p

interesting stories and your trip I'm sure is very fun. thanks @lenatramper you have shared something interesting.

You are welcome. happy to be friends with you.😉

More delicious if eating with you @lenatramper

Hi temen beautiful. The food looks very delicious and is perfect, enjoy it

Thanks a lot!

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