5 amazing things about the German electionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #germany7 years ago (edited)


Most people, when pondering about the German election, probably think off all kinds of horrible things that just happened. We now have Nazis in the german parliament, the two biggest parties lost like never before bla bla bla....

To me I look this and it is all very amazing stuff as history is being made

1. Merkel is very solid

First off all what I saw was a very solid politician that is Merkel. She always performs when it is required of her and she very clearly won this election in what is probably the toughest environment someone in her position can face.

I watched her yesterday amid all the party leaders that made it into parliament and really liked how she was calm and focused on what she believes are the challenges ahead. She also understands what the big ticket items are for the country. Of course I personally disagree with her and some the policies and priorities, but I recognize that what she is doing always makes sense for her as well as for the country.


As a woman she is both gentle and strong in a way that is very rare among the higher alfa politicians and quite the contrast to someone like Trump.

Having such a solid leader is I think quite a blessing and an attestation of the quality Germany tends to produce in whatever it does.

2. Votes and elections do matter in Germany

Say what you want about the a particular party but Germany has shown that it is possible to spring up a new party and bring it into parliament if the big parties do not address what the people want them to. While Germany suffers from all the standard problems our 300 year old democracy tech suffers from, it is possible to make a difference and shake up political landscapes in Germany due to the many parties that exist and may form. This is the 2nd time this happened recently with the Pirate Party showing up here and there in the last decade as well.

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 3.38.48 PM.png

3. There is a move to the right

For the first time in a long time the country is moving away from socialism and towards the right. This is scary on the one hand because we now have nazis part of the parliament but also comes with lots of chances that we can go towards more strength freedom and economic prosperity. If this is done correctly I believe this could be a healthy development for the country as long as the challenges that come with it will be mastered.

4. People do not understand democracy

One of the things I do and did not like about the situation with the AFD coming into power is not so much that they made it but that they are not being accepted. In a democracy it is crucial that we work together and accept different opinions. I hate Nazis and I would not vote for the AFD, however there are many people in Germany that like what they are saying. As a result other parties should accept them and work with them if and whenever possible, as well as respect the positions that they have been elected to represent. Obviously this must be within legal boundaries but just calling them names is in my opinion and refuse to work with them is undemocratic. Even if you are a fucking Nazi I have to respect your position as long as you are not doing anything illegal if I life in a democracy. If people are not allowed to have a different opinion or are being attacked for their believes we do not live in a free democracy but something else. I feel just as strongly about other fractions in the German society but still respect people who want things completely contrary to my political views.


5. It does not really matter

Ever since I have been into crypto I care less about politics. I know in my lifetime this political system won't work anymore. Obama has explained quite well how bitcoin represents the swiss bank account in our pockets that prevent the government to do such simple things like "tax enforcement". In other words we won't pay taxis in a little while. That is quite exciting for me!

6. Steem has a better political system than Germany & USA

When I think about how laggy the political variant and feedback system is and I think about how effective my DPoS in steemit works, I know it is just a matter of time until these old structures will be replaced by new forms that are being built right now.

The future is bright and steemit growing (see active steem users below).

Go enjoy your wealth this platform is building and use the Swiss bank account in your impenetrable pockets. If you are really productive built some blockchains app or invest in one. Ignore the ineffective politicians and doing this will be more fun, make you richer, happier and exit the old world.

I wish you much happiness and prosperity


I love point 5 and 6 :-)
Full 100% and resteemed :-)

Thanks for sharing
Great article
Really is good work
Wish you a great day

A democracy has to endure something like that. Move to the right, jerk left. The fact is, the voters has decided. And he has set an exclamation mark. It has to change. Finally move something again. and not just doing business in their own pockets.....

Eine Demokratie muss so etwas aushalten. Ruck nach rechts, Ruck nach links. Tatsache ist, entschieden hat der Wähler. Und der hat ein Ausrufezeichen gesetzt. Es muss sich was ändern. Endlich wieder etwas bewegen. Und nicht nur das Wirtschaften in die eigenen Tasche....

Good Article!

But Cryptoculture is all about libertarism and in some parts about crypto anarchism and in the case of Cryptocurrencys it is about free capitalism or anarcho capitalism.

it is the complete opposit of whats going on in germany.

Such more social darwinistic systems are systems for elitary players. But in Germany we have big groups of uneducated people, big parts of east Germany are unemployed (most of them voted AFD...). As sad as it is, those people will never have a voice and in a libertarian anarchokapitalistic system they will literaly die.

Yes I think this is very true

History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme. The rise of the far-right in Europe is a direct consequence of the failing economic and social policies of the leftists. The only reason the EU isn't in full collapse is because the ECB has been propping up the banking system for 8 years now.

And just like in the US, the European economy is still sputtering with measly growth numbers despite the massive stimulus.

If the economic situation in Europe and the US was even half as good as the central planners would have us believe, the AfD and Donal Trump would have never been elected.

Such good points. The freedoms we once had in this country have honestly been taken away. I now have to pay for others health insurance while I take care of myself I have to pay for others that don't that seems wrong. Politics as we look back on history and find out what happened sees more and more mistakes and just flat about self indulged visions instead of better for the country. thanks for shearing

I agree with you on pretty much everything. Had to laugh about the "bla bla" because I also just wrote about "bla bla" today :) and picked up on similar sentiments.
And maybe I'm wrong but I also believe that Angela Merkel is a rock that's needed at the moment, while being surrounded by hot-tempered ego maniacs. Will she bring change? Probably not. But hopefully she will manage to keep the peace.

Such good points. The freedoms we once had in this country have honestly been taken away. I now have to pay for others health insurance while I take care of myself I have to pay for others that don't that seems wrong. Politics as we look back on history and find out what happened sees more and more mistakes and just flat about self indulged visions instead of better for the country.

I am like you in that the more I get into crypto the more I care less about our shady government.

Yea I think crypo will solve and shake things up

I agree with you and really interesting in-depth analysis of democracy. I wonder what will happen when decentralization is directly going to conflict with democracy.

Yes me too. I think it won’t conflict but probably take away funds and influence

Great work my friend. I think that there is a similar situation in every country. I just wrote a blog about money, cryprocurrency and system.

Very kindly from you, thanks

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