New to german-trail: @Sumsum

in #germany7 years ago (edited)


Good day steemit. I am here to introduce myself as a new writer on the german-trail. Happy to start this new journey on steemit.

About me

My name is Tatjana, I am 33 years old and I life in Germany. I joined steemit in January 2017 and I just love it here! The best thing about steemit is steemit. To be honest I could not point out what I love more: The community, the vast amount of opportunities, or it´s ever-changing nature. On steemit I found a new home for my poem and my writing in general.
For about a month I have been writing a new poem every day. No, I have been writing two new poems every day. One in English and one in German. To find some examples just check out the tags everydaypoem and jedentageingedicht. You are very much invited to join the fun and write one poem a day yourself.
With joining the german-trail as a writer I am just trying something new. I feel we all are still figuring out the possibilities steemit brings and I really want to improve my writing by writing for the trail. As I live in Germany and travel a good amount I am happy to share my stories.
Thank you for accompanying me on my journey and reading.
As you might guess from my pictures I am a women with a disability. I was born with cerebral palsy and I walk with crutches most of the time but I am very proud to finally have integrated my wheelchair into my live. Especially because it brings me more mobility for my travels. So my personal view, the view of a person with disability wit be part of my post.


sumsum for german-trail

My topics writing for the german-trail will vary. I will start with a series about festivals in Germany for I love them and I have been to a few. I would love to know what you want to read about Germany. Please leave your questions in the comments.
Thank you for reading.
@sumsum for german-trail.


You got my vote, lady.

Thank you so much. Happy to see you here! Any questions about germany or topics you would like to read about?

No, just be STEEMY always.

Welcome! I hope you have fun on Steemit! We are growing faster and is good to know that you are interested in sharing some content with us! I am a Brazilian writer and videomaker, living in London. Here I post about photography, travel and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

@german-trail this is great because Tatjana AKA @sumsum is a great blogger that am proud to follow and enjoy her posts a lot.

Good luck to you @sumsum and keep steeming to more success.

Thank you so much! :)

welcome and more success to you my dear Tatjana AKA @sumsum

Hello Tatjana, welcome to Steemit, enjoy :-)

Welcome to Steem Community @german-trail! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Thank you very much for the warm welcome!

Hello Tatjana x I would love to hear more about Germany.

Happy to see you here Aeryn :) Any specific questions?

You're an enriching addition to the team, @sumsum.
Glad to have you here! :)

Dank you very much :p

Welcome to the Team liebe @sumsum

Diese Bots in den Kommentaren einfach lächerlich. Aber schön zu sehen das du jetzt auch bei German-trail dabei bist.

Naja, die bots sind eben programmiert anzuspringen wenn Posts mit gewissen Tags geposted werden, insbesondere #introduceyourself da dieser primär für Newbies ist und daher im Normalfall nur einmal benutzt wird. Es gibt natürlich mehrere Einsatzmöglichkeiten wo der Tag nochmal Sinn macht, allerdings hatte der German-Trail selbst bei den regelmäßigen Vorstellungen der Steemians of the Day auf diesen #introduceyourself verzichtet um nicht des Tag Abuses angeklagt zu werden :-).

Ok gut zu wissen

Ist schon seltsam. weiß auch nicht, was das den Betreibern bringt. Danke fürs Willkommenheißen :)

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